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Roman and I walk into our respective locker room Knowing that more than likely we would be getting looked at, but we knew that it would be okay because at the end of the day we have each other.

I roll my Louis Vuitton suitcase into the women's lockers room and see all the girls in there. I get gazed upon for a few seconds until all Becky, Naomi, and Natalya give me a group hug. While Alexa, Eva, and Mickie just semi smile at me and proceed to get dress.

" What the hell happened?" Natalya says as she leaves the hug.

" Roman and Randy got in a fight."

" Yeah, we know that, but why?" Becky

" I guess he didn't like what Randy did to me."

" What did he do?" Naomi says as she flicks her to the back of her.

"It wasn't that big of a deal, Randy just got super flirty. And Roman thought that was disrespectful." I explain to the girls.

" Well Damn right he did. They both caused $50,000 of dollars worth of damage in that locker room." Naomi says. " But why did you get suspended?"

" Because we left without proper release but Randy got suspended for a week because he started the fight," I say as I put my bags down.

" Umm... Nikki no he didn't. I saw Randy today in his ring gear." Eva says as she approaches me.

I roll my eyes at the thought of it. " Of course he gets out of suspension he's Randy Orton." I say taking a deep breath. " I'll be back though I have to tell Roman."

I find Roman in this luxury snack bar, as he sits and talks to Dean. I slide in on the side of the booth and see what they are talking about. Dean was telling some jokes about fish and they did start laughing so I guess I should start laughing too.

  Dean was telling some jokes about fish and they did start laughing so I guess I should start laughing too

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Roman than looks at me as the two of them stops laughing. " Nikki?"

" Yes?"

" It's not that funny." He says reassuring me. " And I already know about Randy being back."

" Oh." I say in amazement.

" But tell her the best part." Dean says sarcastically as he hits roman in the chest.

" We are going to start a fued. Tonight!"

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