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Nikki and I walk into the restaurant, as we are the last to get to Nikki's party.

Nikki and I walk into the restaurant, as we are the last to get to Nikki's party

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" Nikki!" Natalya shouts and raises her glass as she sees us come in. And the rest of the room follows.
" Welcome Champ!" Jimmy says as he puts his drink down on the table.
" Thank you." Nikki says.
There are two seats available that are next to each other. Nikki sits between Becky and me, and I sit between Nikki and Naomi.
The whole table disburse into many conversation, because it would be difficult to have just one. So I jumped around in conversation.
" So how's your leg?" Becky ask Nicole.
"It's fine. It's taped up under this dress, but it should be good. I don't think it's anything serious."
" That's good. But if you have to give the title up, I would be happy to take it." Becky saves.
" I don't know... You may need to fight me for it." Both Nikki and Becky share a laugh, forcing me to laugh. I soon feel a warm arm touches my shoulder turning me to look to my right to see Namoi smiling at me.
" Hey, are you two good again?" She asks me.
" Yea. Thanks for everything tonight." I then look at the reflection of the window to see Carmella nodding her head towards Nicole. When I turn to Nicole I see her looking pretty angry. But before I can even ask her what's wrong, Brie stands up and raise her glass.
" I will like to make a toast to Nicole... Before I forget. So everyone raises your glasses." Brie says looking a little drunk.
" Brie mode!" Nia says sending the table into laughter.
" Yea, that's right!" Brie says. " But I honestly wanna congratulate Nicole for her awesome victory tonight. It was not only amazing to be a fan, but your twin sister. It gave me chills watching you tonight. And I am sure we all wish you an amazing run." The whole table starts to clap. " Hold up I am not done. This may be Nicole's party but we got some new Champion among us. The usos are the new smackdown tag-team champion and Roman is the new WWE world heavyweight champion. Yeah! Y'all killed it tonight." Brie says. " Alright I am done now. Now let's party."
When Nikki and I get back to our room she takes off her heels and goes into the bathroom to shower. I, on the other hand, went straight to lay down. Because I am extremely tired we had a long day, and an even bigger one tomorrow. Nikki and I have to be on the morning show tomorrow to talk about our victory.
About 15 minutes later Nikki comes in and gets under the sheets with me. " Hey." I say turning around facing her to give her a kiss. But when I do it's not all there. " Hey, is everything okay? I noticed you were a little cold earlier."
" Yea, just worried about my leg."
" I'm sure it will be fine. "
" Yea, goodnight." She says turning over to the other side.

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