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I am in catering devouring a delicious burger when Renne and Naomi walk up to my empty table and take a seat. Naomi has a huge smile, so I already know they were talking about me.

" How was your night?" Renee asks as she smile trying to get to the bottom of her concerns. " Are you pregnant yet?" She asks.

" actually nothing happened, in fact, things are only got worse."

" What? Why?" Renee asks as she looks at me in complete shocked.

" I think he heard our conversation, and he felt like I was trying to trap him. So when I got super flirty with him he passed a vasectomy surgery paperwork."

" That's messed up."

" I know, I didn't see it coming. So we got into a major argument and he said that I need to make a sacrifice because he sacrificed our wedding location. But I told him not have kids is a total different sacrifice than a location."

" Yea, not having kids is a major sacrifice." Naomi says. " But What happened?"

" So I walked out on him, and went to the lobby. I was in tears because I was so hurt. But while I was downstairs I ran into Randy."

" Ohh." Renee says.

" I know, but I didn't know what to do. So Randy gave me his card and paid for my room. The next morning I went back to Roman and my room. We talked things out and he clarified his actions, but the whole time I was thinking to myself he is literally just another John."

" So what happens now?" Naomi ask.

" So I gave him two options, which is giving me kids or I think it's the end of us. Because I can't see myself being in another relationship where I make all the sacrifices for the next 5 years. But as of now, we are on some speaking terms." as I finish my words I see a dark shadow come over me the three of us look to see Randy.

" Hey, can I talk to you?" He asks me.

" Yeah... Sure." I get up off the chairs and start to follow him. He leads me to a corner with a little light that is blocked by some equipment.

" Thanks for coming."

" No, problem. What's up?"

" I just wanted to check on you. I was worried about you last night. Are you okay?"

" Yeah, I'm just waiting for some answers."

" Oh okay. If you don't mind me asking what happened with you Roman?"

" It's stupid... Don't worry about it."

" Nikki, I care about you. If you need anything please just call me. Now if you excuse me, I have a match." He then slightly gives me a hug that lasts for a few seconds.

Out of the ring 3 {completed}Where stories live. Discover now