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It's time to face the music. I didn't work any live event because the company believes I am in Paris. So this is the first time I will be seeing Nicole since she left. I don't know what to say or if I should even say anything to her. Maybe I should just let her walk up to me.

I sit in the gorilla area with Vince and Shane watching the show with a half-empty bottle of water in my hand. Right now I am getting the idea to leave because Nikki and Alexa's segment is almost up, and I don't want it to be awkward. So I get up and make my way to catering hoping she won't stop in after.

But sure am I wrong both Nikki and Alexa come walking in there smiling ear to ear talking about their segment before Nikki sees me. She doesn't roll her eyes or even frown she just looks then turns away making her way to the locker room.

In that case, I wish she at least flicked me off, but I have no idea what is going on with Nikki. The silent treatment is the worse thing I can get at the moment. I know I said I didn't want to talk to her but I can not go on like this.

I get up from my chair and start to walk her way by the time I get in the hallway I still see her and Alexa on there way to the locker room. " Hey, Nicole!" I call out. They both look behind to see me jogging to them.

" I'll catch you later." Alexa says before pressing against to walk inside.

There is this just weird silences that consume the space because I haven't exactly planned what to say to her.

" Hey, how are you?"

" Well considering you came and shook my world upside down? I am doing just great."

" Look, Nikki, I am sorry but you and I both know this was for the best. Like I said will be happy to give you money for rent."

" I don't want your money, I am staying with..... A friend."

" Don't tell me it's Cena."

" Oh... That not the point even if I was staying with John. The point is I don't need your handout."

" It's not a handout. I am just trying to be the good guy."

" The good guy? The good guy doesn't still love his pregnant ex-wife." She says before storming off.

Out of the ring 3 {completed}Where stories live. Discover now