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The second Renne and Dean walk through the doors, I pull Renne upstairs to Seth and my room to talk about the whole Nikki and Seth's situation.

The second Renne and Dean walk through the doors, I pull Renne upstairs to Seth and my room to talk about the whole Nikki and Seth's situation

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" Oh my gosh! This place is huge." Renne says as she looks around. " Is that a-"

" Renne snap out of it." I tell her. I pull up a chair as she sits in the bed.

" Okay, what's going on?"

" So you heard about the whole Nikki and Seth situation."

" Yeah, Nikki Lied and told Roman that Seth tried to get with her, but it was really the other way around. Why?"

" Because Nikki wasn't lying."

" Wait! What?" She asks being super confused but interested in the whole situation.

" So about 2 or 3 weeks ago, Seth ran to the store to grab some beer for the game later that night, but he left his laptop open. Other than porn being on his laptop he had the gift receipt to all these things from Victoria secret, balloons, and all these other gifts. So I am thinking it was some late anniversary gift or something, but two days after that I get a text from Nicole." I say as I take my phone out and show her the picture of what Nicole sent me of all the things that were on his laptop. " And the text goes ' I'm so lucky to look what Roman got me. ' and I just put the heart emoji, but I knew Seth got all those things. So I don't if Seth thought him buying Nikki all that would get him somewhere, but she rejected him. Told Roman and somehow that got thrown in her face."

" OMG." Renne says.

" Yeah, I know. And I feel bad, because of the whole baby thing. "

" What baby thing?" Renne asks me.

" Oh you don't know? Nikki was pregnant with Roman baby and lost it. So on top of losing her baby, she lost her fiance and is now spending Christmas alone all in one month."

" Oh wow."

" Yeah, and I tried to text her but she blocked me. She probably thought I was going to tell at her for trying to get with Seth. So can you text her for me?"

" Yeah." I see Renne pull her phone out type something and send it. " I asked her if she is alone for the holidays and if she could unblock you?" I am about to say something when I hear Roman call us down for dinner. " What do we do?"

" Just play it cool." I tell her as we make our way downstairs to see the guys standing by the kitchen island things seem kinda tense. I walk over to Seth as he put his arm around my shoulder.

" Were you giving Renne a tour?" He asks me.

" Yeah." I respond back.

" Yeah this place is beautiful." Renne says adding on to what I said as walks over to Dean.

" But we were also talking about Nikki. I mean she can't have everything." I say trying to make me and Renne seem clueless.

" Yeah, I was very surprised to hear that." Renne says as she pours herself some wine.

" I know, the fact that she blamed the gifts on me was insane." Seth says laughing.

" Wait what did you say?" Roman ask him.

" That she blamed me for buying the gifts for her."

" Nikki never blamed you for the gifts and I never told you about the gifts." Roman says

Oops... this should be fun.

( This is just a story, Don't get mad at Seth)

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