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I am about to answer the question that we all wanna know: What's next for Nikki Bella? And the answer to that is truly this. I don't know. When Roman kicked me out a state of panic immediately hit. I never thought Roman would actually kick me out. Because in the past I will leave by choice or we would just break up. But this is a whole new ball game for me. But makes me angry is Roman jealousy. Once my memory came back all I think about is Galina. I know it's weird but it true. I realized that when Roman found out Galina was pregnant with my ex baby he has been short of temper and has not been the happy guy that I fell in love with. And I didn't tell Roman this but when I was out for the two weeks because of my memory loss, I went to that marriage therapist and she diagnosed Roman of being jealous of Galina and John. And I totally get it, she's his first love and the mother of his three kids. And I think he is still in love with Galina and his love for her turned into hate for me. Which is why I am currently driving on the highway with all my belonging in the back seat.
And what's making me angry besides the fact that I got kicked out and only had three days to pack up my belonging is the fact he couldn't express his feelings to me. He is a grown  man and should be able to do that. But no he kept me in the dark and only let me see the light when he wanted me too. And that's not cool. I am not his puppet, and over the past three days I have been thinking about this but if Roman wants to get back together with me I am going to say no. I just want a normal relationship when I am not being controlled all the time or someone else side piece. And I feel like I am losing time because pretty soon I won't be able to have kids.
But for the next couple of days, I just wanna chill at Nia's house and have a Roman free weekend. I don't wanna even think about him... Because I am honestly starting to hate him.

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