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* this chapter contains topics that might be inappropriate to some readers.
* remember this is just a story... Enjoy it.

Well, I kept my word on booking a therapist and two days later known as today is our appointment. I was able to convince Nikki to come down to Florida for our appointment even though she now lives in Arizona.

 I was able to convince Nikki to come down to Florida for our appointment even though she now lives in Arizona

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We walk into the office, and both of us take a seat in the two black chairs. The therapist is not in the room yet, so it's pretty quiet. " How are you doing?" I ask her to break the silence.

" I'm good. Thanks for letting me stay at your house." She responds back.

" Nikki, when I bought that house I bought it for us, and I still see it that-" I stop talking when the therapist comes in. She wears a short black business dress with the color gray sweater on, and some tall boots. In a way, she kind of resembles Nikki with long dark hair and tan.

" Hi I am Veronica." She says shaking each of our hands, then takes a seat in the light color seat by the purple tissue box. " Sorry I am late, I was dealing with another patient."

" No worries." I say giving her a generous smile. She takes out her note pad and writes both Nikki and my name down.

" So tell me about your relationship. How did you y'all meet?" She asks getting ready to write down our response, I am about to talk until Nikki beats me to the punch.

" Roman and I are both wrestlers, and we became a tag team. Shortly after we started to have an affair."

" When you say affair, what do you-"

" Roman was married at the time and she was also one of my best friends."

" Oh." Veronica says as she writes down what Nikki just said.

" Way to put that gentle." I say.

" I'm just being honest. Our relationship from the very start was on a negative base."

" Well, you are the one that made the first move. " I tell Nikki.

" Well, you could have stopped me. But -"

" Okay, Nikki and Roman." Veronica says trying to stop the argument that was forming. " Let's try and lighting the mood With a little game. Roman give Nikki 3 compliments and Nikki gives Roman 3 compliments. Roman, you go first."

" Okay." I say think about what I wanna say to her." Nikki, you have an amazing smile,  you have an amazing personality, and you are an amazing role model for my daughter."

" Awesome, Now Nikki you go." Veronica says as she finishes up her notes.

" Roman, you are a great wrestler, you have an amazing body, and you are a good dad."

" Alright, good job everyone. Now let's get back into the session."

" Why are you here today?" Veronica asks but again Nikki beats me to the punch.

" Well, as I said earlier Roman and my relationship was never positive. We always had to sneak around if we wanted to see each other. However, Roman and I are here today, because of our lack of trust. We get into an argument like every week with one another, and our way of making up is Sex and our issue gets swept under the rug. But now they are just over piling and it is making our relationship very bad and toxic."

" Okay, thank you." Veronica says as she writes some more. " Now Nikki, when you say that Roman and you get into an argument weekly, are they small or large argument? What is the last thing Roman and you argued about?"

" Because Roman accused me of sleeping with his best friend."

" Okay. Roman why did you that?" Veronica asks me.

" I don't know... I was frustrated. Nikki and I were pregnant and we just found that we lost the baby. I was trying to be supportive, but I finally cracked. And I feel awful because it was on Nikki, and she didn't deserve that."

" Okay good job. Now Nikki how did you feel when Roman cracked on you?"

" I was confused but yet alone. I didn't understand how someone who claimed to love turned on me so fast." As Nikki finishes she starts to cry. Veronica passes her the purple tissue box and I try to comfort her by rubbing her back.

" Okay, is this the worse argument that you two ever got in?"

" No." I respond as Nikki wipes her tears. " When Nikki and I had our affair, she was angry at me because she wanted to be more. At the time I told her no because I was still in love with my wife and we had also had other issues going on. So Nikki and I didn't talk for a couple of days. Which was perfect because my family came and visited me. However, My former friend Seth invited us to dinner and Nikki was there. I kept seeing Nikki give my daughter side-eyes as the night went on. Some minutes in my wife at the time and My daughter went to the restroom with Nikki sister Brie. I already had a couple of drinks, and the next thing I know is that Nikki and I exchange some words because of the looks she gave my daughter. So I called her a bitch, but I honestly felt bad as soon as the word left my mouth."

Veronica shakes her head. " Roman, would you say that you have verbally abused Nikki in the past?"

" Yes, but I regret it."

" Roman, would you say that you ever physically abused Nikki?"

" I have never put my hands on Nikki. And if we get into argument and I have alcohol in my system I normally just stay separated from her until it wears off." I respond

" Okay. Now, Roman, I noticed that you talked about alcohol in your past when you are with Nikki. Have you ever sexually abused, Nikki?"

" No, I have never touch Nikki without her consent or permission. I am not the type of man to sexually harassed a woman, because I have a daughter and I would never want someone to touch her without consent. However, my past behavior can't be justified with alcohol. I was dumb to verbally abuse Nikki, and as I said I am very sorry."

" Okay, Thank you, Roman. I am going to have you leave the room now, and talk to Nikki for a few minutes. Feel free to wait in the lobby, this shouldn't take long."

" Okay." I say getting up from the chairs and heading out. " Nikki I will be in the lobby."

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