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After hearing such disturbing news from the doctor, Nikki and I left my parent's house and started to head back home. Our long way home consisted of Nikki crying and sleeping. I have never seen her like this.

We get home around 4 pm, Nikki scrambles upstairs to our room. I decided that it would be best to cancel the children's visit for the weekend because I don't want to see her hurt anymore. After, unloading the truck I leave out things in the foyer of the house and run upstairs to directly check on Nikki. She is wrapped in our shared blanket and lays on her side of the bed.

I get on my knees and rub my hands over her thick dark hair. " Hey." I say. She doesn't respond, but still just turns her back on me. " Nicole, I know you are sad but you got to eat."

" I'm not hungry." She says as she turns around and looks at me. I can see the sadness in her eyes, as she looks at me.

" Well, how about we go to dinner, and you watch me eat." I tell her. My comment make her smile a little, which was the goal. " I saw that smile." I say, which makes her smile again. " Please, Nicole."

" Fine." She says rolling over in the bed. As she gets up and walk she stumble a little because of her emotions and hunger. I quickly run her way to catch her. " Thank you." She says.

After Nikki took a little over an half an hour to get ready, we drive to a local diner not to far from the house. We both wanted to avoid any paparazzi that would bother us at a fancier place.

Nikki and I sit across from another couple, that seemed to be newlyweds because of their body language towards each other

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Nikki and I sit across from another couple, that seemed to be newlyweds because of their body language towards each other

Before the server come, Nikki, and I sit in somewhat total silence as we listen to the music that's playing from the restaurant speakers.

" You know when I was younger I wanted to be in a band." I tell Nikki, she stops her gaze at the empty wall and starts to look at me instead.

" Oh really?"

" Yea, it would be me and the USO's." I say as I take a sip of my water. " Jimmy would play the drum, Jey would play the guitar, and I would sing."

" It seemed like you had it planned out, so what happened?"

" Well, Jimmy and Jey learned how to play their instruments, but I just couldn't sing to save my life." I say. A quick smile merge from her face, then it appears in a matter of seconds. " Nicole, I am hurting right now as well, but I am trying to be strong for you, can you please do they same for me."

She looks into my eyes, then starts to look at the ground as she balls her fist up and covers her mouth. " You know, I thought I would never have a baby. Because John wouldn't give me one, and then I almost had to leave you for one." She says with a smirk. " but being honest, I was nervous because I wanted to be a mom so bad I just didn't know if I was going to be a good one. Then you sat me down at that restaurant and told me that I had nothing to worry about, and I believed you. So that night before we went to bed I finally accepted that I was going to be a mom, but hours later it got taken away from me. And the only person I can blame is myself. "

" Nicole, these things happen. You can't blame yourself."

" Then who else can I blame?" She asks me.

" You can blame... Me." I tell her. " I should have noticed the indications that you were pregnant, but I didn't. I thought you were throwing up because of a hangover, I thought you had mood swings because of our relationship. But I was false, and I will be forever sorry. I feel like I let you down, and even though I am not showing that I am feeling it, but I am trying to be strong for you." I say.

" You didn't let me down, Roman. And I will bounce back I just need some time." She says, she then kisses me on the cheek.

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