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It's our second day here at Lake Tahoe and the girls decided to enjoy the day by taking a boat trip, which I am not really keying on

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It's our second day here at Lake Tahoe and the girls decided to enjoy the day by taking a boat trip, which I am not really keying on. Like don't get me wrong I love the water but I just can't seem to enjoy it with everything going on. The only person that knows about it is Nia because I had to explain it to her when I came back to her in tears. I would tell Brie, but she will tell mom and or Daniel and I don't want that stuff getting out.
But at the end of the day no matter who knows, I am still going to hurt. And I am not stupid I knew that he still loved her, which is why every time he tried to talk about I would try to change the topic or even have sex for the fifth time that day just to hear him not say it. Because it was not true until it left his mouth, and now that it has I don't know what next.
Because I wanna let him go, but I know if I see him with another woman I would lose my shit. And if I don't let him go he would keep causing me more pain.

I then feel two cold hands on my back, when I turn around I see Brie with a beer in her hand. " Hey, girl. Are you good?  You literally all by yourself. Come enjoy lunch with us." When she says that I see Nattie, Nia, Lana, Naomi, and Renne all at the wooden table smiling at me.

" I had a dream last night that Roman went back to Galina." I say to Brie.

" Nikki, those are calls nightmare. Now come have lunch with us." I shake my head no. " Did something happen because last time we talked you said everything was good between you and him. So did I miss something."I wanted to speak but I knew I would cry, so I shook my head. " Oh my gosh, Nikki. What happened?" Brie says taking a seat next to me letting her feet dangle from the boat as well.

" He told me he still loved her." I say as the tears are set free and flow down my face.

" His ex-wife, Galina?"

" Yes." I answer as Brie looks in complete shock. " he told me that the day before we left for Lake Tahoe. But I kinda knew all along, because of reaction when he found out Galina was pregnant with my ex's child. You just saw this look of jealousy but at the same time, I love. But at the time I took it as love for me and hate of her. But now it thinks it hates for me and love for her."

" Don't say." Brie says as she confronts me." But also don't let him ruin your trip. Now come enjoy lunch with us." She says getting up and holding out her hand.
After our lunch, we spent a few more hours on the boat before heading back to the lake house we rented for the weekend.
" I'll be back, I am going to put some dry clothes on." I say laughing before going into my room. The girls really helped me after I explained everything that happened to them.

When I get back to my room I place my phone on the charger, because it died while we were on the boat. It takes a good five minutes before It comes back but on but when it does I see numerous texts and phone calls from Roman. If I could summarize them they would say ' please call me back, we need to talk.' but I don't respond back because like Brie said this my trip.

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