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As promised, I am taking Nikki out for some wine tasting and Dinner but I have been getting this feeling as if I did something wrong. When she came back from the car she hasn't even said two words to me.

We are seated at one of the balconies tables at the restaurant, I wanted to eat outside it's a nice evening with less harsh winds which won't make the red velvet cloth napkins fly away. I pull Nikki seats out so she may sit down, and once she does I push it back in. The waiter tries to pull my seat out as well, but I stopped him it would have been really awkward. " I will start you out with two glasses of some of our most popular and delicious wine. Would you like an appetizer to enjoy with your wine?"

" Uh, yes. A platter of the different appetizer would be nice." I say as I read off the menu, and then Nikki and I both pass our menus to him.

" Alright, I will be back with your wine and platter soon." He says before walking off and disappearing into the kitchen.

" Look, Nicole, I just wanna have a nice night with my girl. So can you just tell me what I did wrong so we can work it out?"

She places her fingers by the temple of her head and near the top of her neck before she looks like she is about to cry

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She places her fingers by the temple of her head and near the top of her neck before she looks like she is about to cry. "Roman I know about the Prenup." She tells me.

" You were looking through my stuff?"

"No, Roman, earlier today when I grabbed my phone I bumped my head pretty hard on the car mirror. I wanted to make sure I wasn't bleeding or had a huge lump. So I pulled down the visor on the driver's side. Before I could even look I saw some paper fall out. When I picked it up I wasn't trying to read it, but my eyes glance and I started to freak out. Nia told me to calm down and not overthink it, but that's hard to do." She says. Her hand then reaches over to mine. " I just wanna be a normal couple."

" I know, Nicole, so do I. But being honest it was not my idea. It was Lorena."

" Your ex girlfriend?"

" Yes, but she also the head lawyer on my lawyer team. And she told me that she thinks it a good idea to have a prenup, especially when I am getting remarried so fast."

" Well what do you think?"

" Well, you obviously saw that I never signed it. So I don't want a prenup."

" Then why do you still have it, if you never wanted. Burn it or something."

" That's when I get confused Nicole, because I don't want to force a prenup on you. But don't understand, I lost half of everything with my divorce with Galina. And I don't want to do the same with you."

" Are you saying you are already planning our divorce, and we haven't even had the engagement party?"

" No, I'm not. But you can't honestly say you plan to be with forever."

" I do Roman, I wanna grow old together. I wanna have your babies, if I even can. Ugh!" She yells then gets up and walk away.

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