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I got another date planned with Carmella tonight, she is a really fun girl. I mean she obviously not Nikki but she cool. I am taking her to some Italian place not too far from the hotel. I have to pick her up from her room which is a floor undermine, I never thought I would say that. But like I said it's all good, she may be a little on the crazy side but I love crazy.

Before, opening the door I look at myself in the full-size mirror, grab my keys, and slide my wallet in my back pants pocket. Once leaving I see that I am running a few minutes late, so I walk rapidly to the elevator and click the down button.

However, the surprise comes when I see that Nikki is on the elevator. Which is weird because I haven't talked to her in like a week." Oh Hey!" I say double looking at both her and the room floor. " I thought you were on another floor."

" I am." She says as steps off the elevator and I step on.

" Well, I thought you were seeing someone else... A football player to be exact."

" Ok, first of all, we broke up, and second of all, not everything is about you. I mean I am here to see you, but not in that way."

" Oh." I say not knowing what to say next.

" Okay. This was a bad and stupid idea." Nikki says I can tell tears about to come any second as she grows frustrated and steps back on the elevator.

" No, it wasn't. " I say stepping off the elevator and I pull her by her hand. " C'mon let's talk in my room." I say as I lead the way back.

" I say as I lead the way back

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" Okay, let's try this again." I say as the two of us sit on the bed with our back semi towards each other. " What do you wanna talk about?"

" I don't even know. I can't remember."

" Is it about Carmella?"

" No... Maybe... Yes."

" Well what about Carmella?"

" Why, Carmella honestly. Like why would you pick a co-worker to date? I can't listen to her stories anymore on how you take her to all these expensive places. And it sucks when that should be me. I broke up with James over guilt and jealousy over you. But you on the other hand just get to enjoy life with your new girlfriend. And how should I feel?"

" Are you done, Nikki?"

" No, Roman. I am not done. We went through some tough things together, and then you left me after a stupid lie but from a stupid person. And you didn't even fight over me."

" Well, I thought you moved on."

" But at least show you cared. And the worst part is I can't get away from you. You own that home in Arizona and you have the keys to the house in Tampa, which means I don't have anything important to me in my possession. For weeks I just wanted to ask for that key back so I can pick my things, but you make it so difficult."

" Well, how do I make it difficult?"

" Because I don't want it to be over Roman. I've spent so much time on you... No on us. And the past few weeks have been difficult, because I would be lying if I say I didn't love you. And all I wanna do at work is fuck you in the bathroom stall or in the car... Or even Vince's office. But I can't do that anymore and it kills me because I am not yours anymore."

After her rant, I pick up my phone and text Carmella...

This is not going to work anymore.

" What are you doing?" She asks being really confused about why I haven't said a single word since her. But I still don't, I grab her face with my two hands and start to passionately kiss her. After the long deep kiss, I push her on the bed.

" Does fucking on the bed work too?"

Out of the ring 3 {completed}Where stories live. Discover now