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I know I was hard on him... I just don't wanna be hurt again.
I see Nia at the table waiting for me, it appears she already order drinks without me. " Hey!" I say excitingly hoping she forget the fact that I am late, while also risking the fact that I may lose my everything tomorrow. But she doesn't buy, but instead looks at me a stone cold looking face. While holding her phone up showing me her call log. " What?" I ask taking a seat at the chair across from her.
" We need to talk!" She says with a high level of sass.
" okay, what's up?" I say with an even higher level.
" Can you explain to me?"
" With Roman?" I ask, she shakes her head yes. " I gave him a choose. Why?"
" Because he called me, right after my match tonight. Nicole, I could hear the tears in voice... and I have never seen that man cry."
" Well, what was he crying about? The fact that I busted him?"
" No, Nicole. He explained everything to me. And being real his story makes a lot more sense then yours. He told me that he forgave you so quickly because during your match, Naomi came in there and confront him about he should be supportive of you and not back there mopping. He told me did hug her, but it was not in that way. And at dinner they were laughing because you guys made up. And that he would have never touch her, thats his cousin wife. Plus he never saw her like that."
My mouth falls shut as Nia tells me that. Ugh... I should have known that. Like I just wanted an excuse.  " Oh... Nia. I am so stupid. Oh gosh."
" You better go get your man." Nia says. I get up from my chair, and starts running upstairs, since the restaurant was in the hotel.
By the time I am upstairs I am breathing heavily, but I have just enough energy to open the door. " Roman... Roman." I scream as I enter but there is answer. I then find a note that reads.
' If you are truly not happy, I am going to let you go.- Roman.'
After reading it I crumble the paper in my hands before falling in the bed and crying myself to sleep.

Out of the ring 3 {completed}Where stories live. Discover now