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After dinner was over Roman and I head back to our hotel room. He ordered the wine, and I got the hot bath water ready. While we waited for the wine to arrive, I took all my clothes off just to have my silk pink robe on that Roman got me when we he was in Japan.

After, The wine arrives Roman pours it into the wine glasses and pass one to me. I follow him into the bathroom, he puts his glass down and start to strip. " Don't get too turned on." He says joking around.

" Oh, trust me I won't."I say responding to his joke. Roman gets in the tub first, as he settles in I take off my robe, and leave it on the floor. I then start to check my body out in the mirror.

" Nikki, stop. Your perfect." He says. " Now come get in here with me." He let his hand out for me for me to grab, once I am in my back lays against Roman Roman strong muscle. " Are you comfortable?"

" With you, always. Are you comfortable?"

" Yes." He says as he takes his glass and start to drink from it. " Do you want to pass me you your drink." Roman ask me.

" No, I just wanna be with you right now." I tell him. We talk for about 30 minutes in the tub with a few make out session in between.

" Hey, stay right here I am going to-" He stops talking and look at the glasses.

" What's wrong, baby?"

" Nikki, you had none of wine?"

" I know. It's just the night is still earlier."

" Nicole, it's going on 11. And Nikki Bella with out wine in like a crime. Seriously, what the hell is going on?" He ask me. Instead of looking him in the eye, I quickly put my head down. He then lift my head back up, and make me look at. " Nicole be honest with me our you pregnant?"

" Well, I am 2 weeks late on my period and I can't control my emotions, so maybe. But nothing been confirmed."

" Why didn't you say anything and howl long have you known?"

" I thought you were going to be mad, and a little over a week." I say.

" Nicole, why would I be mad?"

" I don't know."

" Well, for starters it makes sense. I was starting to think you were crazy. But I am very happy." He says kissing me with passion. " but since it not confirmed, let's take the rest of the week. I got a friend in Pensacola that is a doctor and he will let you know."

" Alright, Thanks for not being mad.

" Nicole, I just found out I am going to be giving you a baby. Trust me I am far from mad."

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