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We have been at make-a-wish for about 2 hours, and shockingly everything is going besides the eye rolls Carmella gives me every time I talk, but it's fine she will get over it... Hopefully. But at the moment we were given a 15 minutes break so we could use the restroom, or do whatever else you can do in 15 minutes.

I walk over to Roman, he smiles with open arms as I give him a hug. " Has Seth talked to you?" I whisper to Roman as Seth stands about 10 yards away from us.

" Sorta. I will explain at dinner."

" Dinner? Where are we going?"

" Well after the House show tonight we are going to go wine tasting."

" Oh baby, you know my language. But I gave to go before our break is up." I say as I jump up to kiss him.

" Where are you going?" He asks me as we let go of holding hands.

" to grab my phone from the car."

" oh okay, come back soon." I just smile at his comment as I walk towards the car.

I unlock the car door after that half a mile walk. I open the door slowly to make sure that I don't bump into the expensive BMW next to us, I reach for my phone before disconnecting it and I am happy to see that it is at 100%. I then unplug the charger, but I didn't realize my head was so close to the mirror but I bumped it really hard on the mirror " Damn it." I yell. I instantly feel my forehead to make sure I am not bleeding. Fortunately, I'm not but I wouldn't be shock if a large bump starts to form. I then pull down the driver car visor where Roman is sitting, but before I can even see if a bump has formed I see a couple of papers that have been stapled together fall on the car floor. I quickly pick them up with the fear of them getting dirty. But as I do I start to read the front page and I am shocked by what I see. " A Prenup?" I whisper to myself. But before I can have proper time to think I hear Nia behind.

" Hey girl, what's taking you so long?" She asks not knowing I was in the middle of my breaking point. I then slowly turn around and show her the stapled paper that fell out of Roman's visor. She reads it for a few seconds before realizing what it is. " Oh, wow. Nikki, I am so sorry. But let's not overreact. He has not even signed his part yet. So let's go inside put the papers back in the visor. And when you two are alone just talk to him about it. I just don't wanna see either one of you hurt again."

Out of the ring 3 {completed}Where stories live. Discover now