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After the show the girls and I continue our rituals of drinks, and being honest I need it after this week. Dealing and accepting Paige and Seth took a lot of work and to know they came after our relationship makes me upset... But even though I told Roman I would drop them I can't do it quite yet.
" Cheers!" Nattie says as 6 shots of tequila go up in the air before we down them with squeeze faces from the limes that came along.
" Woah." I shout as I swallow it. " That was good."
" Yes, it was." Becky says as she slams on her glass on the table.
" Becky, don't break it." Naomi says making the whole table break out in laughter.
" Sorry can't help it." She says giving us this cute little smile.
" Anyway, Wrestlemania is literally almost here. How are you feeling, Nicole?"
"Oh my gosh! Like the best. This championship is like the reason I came back, and to know that I am able to compete for it is insane." I say with this glowing smile.
" Well, let me hold it for a little awhile." Alexa says joking around. But before we can react Carmella starts to talk.
" Why are we acting like Nikki, actually earned it. She goes home with the face of our company every single night. It was just a matter of time before the company gave her the belt."
I slightly roll my eyes at her while the rest of the table sorta breaks apart after the remark. " Well somebody clearly mad that I actually got a man." I say back to her.
" No, Nikki, I am tired of you and your sister. Claiming you guys worked so hard for a decade but the truth is you were handed everything."
" Okay, Carmella, If you came here to diss me how about you just go. You are just mad because you were the last pick of the draft."I then look down at my phone to see that Seth has texted me saying ' call me.' I then lookup off my phone and says " Actually, I'll go." I stand up from the table and start to walk to my car. I could tell the others wanted to say something but they didn't wanna take aside.

Once in the car, I begin to call Seth. " Hey, Nikki."
" Hey, what's up? You texted me."
" Yea, you never got back to me, about the whole sperm donor thing."
" I know... I know things got busy." I say putting my seatbelt on.
" Like?"
" Well, Roman and I got married," I say being nervous about his reaction.
" oh wow." he says being in complete shock.
" I know, yesterday at the courthouse."
" Well, what does that mean for us?"
" I am not sure... But I still have the product set for tomorrow. But-"
" No, we should go. I will pick you up from your place tomorrow. Will Roman be there?"
" No, he's busy tomorrow. But I will see you then. Good night, Seth." I say hanging up before hitting the road.

Out of the ring 3 {completed}Where stories live. Discover now