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" Dinner was fun." Nicole says as we drop the kids off back home to Galina. " Too bad Brie didn't want to come. Because that would be a chance to spend with her future niece's and nephews." That's one thing I love about Nikki, she didn't give birth to them, but she treats them like those are her children. I think to myself bringing a huge smile to my face." Hey, What's that big smile for?" She asks me. I try to hide it but it's too late. "Don't hide it, I saw you. Cmon tells me what really going on." She begs of me.
" Nothing, I am just glad everything is going well. I am marrying you, and I love the fact that you treat my kids as your owns."
" Aw Roman, but I can make things even better for you." She says grabbing my upper inner thighs, bites her lip, and wink at me. If it's not obvious she wants to have sex.
" I'll take that offer." I say." in the car or back at home?" I ask her. She takes a quick second to think before answering.
" Here, in the car. It's fun plus Brie is back at the house. We wouldn't get any privacy." As she finishes says that I pull over on the side of the road, and start a passionate make out session.
Don't worry the chances of me getting her pregnant now are the same... I didn't get the surgery today. I didn't want her to miss out on her WrestleMania moment. So I made an appointment for after, but I also remember her saying she wanted a baby when we are more stable in wedlock. So whatever we do from now to August I have to be very careful. But the point is I am really excited to give her a family. But I don't think I am going to let her in about the surgery. Because if it doesn't work Or get worse I don't wanna tell her. And if it does... well if it does she will know.
Nicole starts to unbutton my shirt when her phone starts to ring. But she just ignores it. " Go ahead and answer it." I tell her as I take a break a from our kissing.
" No, it's fine," she says before sticking her tongue in my mouth. But as each of us swap body fluids and the after taste of what we had for dinner, Nicole phone starts to ring again.
" Baby, go ahead and answer it." I tell her as she sits on the boner that is separated by my pants. " It could be important."
" Fine." She says heavily as her semi expose breast are in my face, but I am not complaining. She picks up the phone and answers it without looking at the caller ID. After being on the phone for a little less than two minutes, she comes off the phone with a plain face. " Is everything okay?"
" I'm not sure... It was the hospital telling me Paige gave birth."
" But she isn't due until like August." I say getting concerned about Paige and the baby. " She like five months earlier."
" Should we go to visit her?" Nicole asks being torn because of how much Paige has just hurt her but also they have been friends for so long.
" Yea, I believe we should." I say. We both put our clothes back on and I start to drive to the hospital.

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