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I gotta admit I am proud of my baby. He roasted Randy and that superman Punch, knocked him out. Roman come backstage with a smiling ear to ear. I get up off the foldable chair and greet him with a kiss, leaving a little red lipstick on his mouth.

" There is Lipstick on me, isn't it?" He says trying to wipe it off. I join his effort by standing on my tippy toes and using my thumb as well.

" Just a little." I say giggling.

" It's fine. I am just ready to hit the road. "

" Okay."

" I'll meet you in the car, in about 10 minutes."

Roman comes to the car a little after 10 minutes, with his bags in his hand. He goes immediately to the trunk to load them, then shortly joins me in the front.

" who's bags are those?" He asks as he put his seatbelt on.

" Oh, I didn't tell you? Renne and Dean will be joining us. Is that okay?"

" Yeah, that's fine." He says.

" But?" I ask knowing he wasn't done talking.

" But I just wanted to talk to you. "

" About?"

" Just the whole homewrecker situation. I know we talked about it, but we never finished really. I just wanted to check on you."

" Roman, I am fine. I just wanna focus on us and the-" I stop talking when Dean and Renne open each side of the car door.

" We brought snacks." Renee yells as she have seal pack of Chips with her.

" No, you have snacks."Dean says. " we have to stay in shape."

" Dean, one chip is not going to harm you." I say taking a chip from the bag. As we pull off.

Roman pull the car into a gas station, as Dean quickly opens the door and run to the restroom. " I am going to get some gas. Do y'all want anything?"

" 2 waters." I say. He shakes his head yes. Then  walks way after closing the door.

" Did you tell him?"

" No."

" Well when are you going to?"

" Umm Renee it's hard to walk up to a man, and say I want a baby now. Especially when he just got divorce."

" Well, if you little baby Roman and Nikki, running around you better start now."

" I know it's just hard. I just don't want to get pregnant and then he feels trap.

" And? You are the one that will carry that baby for almost a year. So tonight no birth controls or Condom. Just some hard core sex."

Out of the ring 3 {completed}Where stories live. Discover now