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" I'm telling you man! it's a bad idea." Dean says as we chill in the hallway of an live event.

" I know, but she wants him there. And I told her I think about inviting Seth, but I don't want him there. This is the third time Seth has crossed me over, and I don't see the point of bringing him back in our life just so he can screw us over again."

" So what you going to do, because I know you wanna keep Nikki happy?"

" I do, and I wanna do it without lying to her."

" Lying to who?" I look behind to see a sweaty Nikki coming behind me with a bottle of water in her hand as she puts her hair up. I look at Dean to see if he could save me but he just looks down acting like he's not paying attention.

Just be honest, Roman, I tell myself. " Lying to no one, but I was just was telling Dean how I think it is a bad idea to invite Seth to anything that surrounds our marriage."

She looks into my eyes for a second as if she investigating me. " Thanks for not lying."  She says as we kiss. " But I got bigger problems. Carmella, Nattie and I just had a triple threat match and let's just say, Carmella, got a little too aggressive for my liking."

" Do you think she mad because you and I are back together?" 

" Well it's either that or she is mad at me because I accidentally used the wrong shampoo. But I am leaning towards the first one. And what I don't understand is how she found out we are back together. It's not like we show a lot of PDA and I didn't tell a lot of people we were back together. I only told Brie and she doesn't work here anymore and Naomi and she doesn't gossip."

" Well, don't let it affect you. She will get over it sooner or later."

" Yeah... You right I guess. Alright, I am going to take a shower and then change into my clothes. Which should give me just enough time to watch your match against Randy. But just in case here is your good luck kiss." She says I lean down to give her a short but passionate kiss, that was ruined by Dean when he yells.

" Get a room!"

Out of the ring 3 {completed}Where stories live. Discover now