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I leave the room in tears, not knowing why he is acting like this. I reach for my phone to see that it's only at 12% so I don't retain much time. I make my way to an empty lobby, and take a seat on one of their comfortable couch. Half of me was hoping that Roman would come down here and apologize but the other half me was hoping he wouldn't because I felt as if I would have hurt him even more.

I get my phone out and call Brie, but she does not answer she must be busy with Birdie. I then dial Nia, knowing she will be up.

" Hey, Nikki. What's up?"

" Nothing." I say hearing my voice crack.

" Is everything okay?" She asks.

" Umm... No. "

" What happened? Did something happen?"

" It's Roman."

" What did he do?"

" So I was trying to get romantic with him. And he was keeping saying I'm tired. At first, I thought it was an act, then he went to the suitcase and grabbed a vasectomy surgery paperwork. He told me he didn't want to have kids with me. He is taking away that opportunity from me."

" Nikki, I'm so sorry to hear that. I know he is my cousin but I just wanna make sure you are okay. Where are you now?"

" In the hotel lobby."

" Okay, I know you are mad but don't do anything stupid. Go to the front desk, and go check out a room. I am sure he just having a bad night, and he didn't mean to hurt you. Now go get some rest, and I'll talk to you in the morning. Good night Nikki."

" Good Night, Nia." I then hang up the phone and make my way over to the front desk.

" How can I help you, Miss?"

" Hi, I just want one room for the night."

" Okay. Are you okay?"

" I'm-" But before I can answer I hear the elevator open, hoping it's not someone I know. I don't want them to see me like this, but I am out of luck when I see Randy. He doesn't notice me at first because he is on his phone, but once he does he quickly runs over to me. He looks in my eyes and pulls me to side.

" What's wrong?" He asks me. I can't even open my mouth to say the words so I start sobbing instead. He instantly hugs me." Did something happen with Roman?" I shake my head yes. " Well I was going to go to a club, but I don't wanna leave you here, all by yourself. I'll stay in for the night." Randy then takes my hand and leads me upstairs to his suite. I look around to discover a few open cans of beer in the kitchen and take a deep breath as I try to think of ways to get out of this situation. " What?" He says as he notices me looking at the empty cans.

" Randy, I think I should go back to Roman." I say as I start to open the door.

" No!" He yells as he closes the door. He scares the hell out of me as my soul leap. " Look, Nikki, I'm sorry. But I'm not letting you go back to him."

" Well, I don't wanna stay here if you are in this state."

" What?! Just because I had a few beers. I'm not even drunk." He mumbles, which proves me even more correct.

" Randy, thanks for the offer but I have to go."

" Well, Wait!" I look back at him. " Let me pay for your room." He says as he passes me his card.

" Thanks, Randy." I say as I kiss him on the cheek.

" No, problem Nicole."

After leaving Randy's room I get a text from Roman. I look down at, to see that it say " Please come back. I am sorry."

I don't bother to respond ....

Out of the ring 3 {completed}Where stories live. Discover now