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Nikki sits in her chair as her makeup gets done, while Nattie sits on one of the chairs and watches. I on the under hand was barley able to get out of the reception.
" Your and Roman, dance was truly beautiful!" Nattie says.
" Aw, thank you." Nikki says as her team starts to style her hair. " But-" Nikki looks my way before continuing to talk. " Brie, you good?"
" No!" I blurt out. " Roman told me that he didn't cheat, which somebody else did. And everybody else who was there is also married."
" Yea, he told me the same thing to, I just wasn't having it. Because why would you sleep in a bed, where somebody just got it on?" Nikki questions.
" Maybe, he didn't realize, until you brought it to his attention." Nattie chimes in.
" How do you not notice that? Plus, Brie don't be concerned it's obviously not Daniel, he is way to afraid to do anything." Nikki notes.
She does have a point.
" So you still think he cheated?" I ask.
" I wouldn't be shocked."
" Don't tell me you are thinking about divorce! You just got married today, Nicole." Nattie says.
" Well, not according to the state of Florida."
" What does that mean?"
" Natalya, Roman, and I have been married for like four months. And it may end here."  Nikki says carelessly. I just shrug my shoulders because this was bound to happen.
"  I will be right back." Nattie says before running to the hallway.

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