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After a few minutes of talking to Veronica, she ends our session and let me go for the day. I walk out of her office to see Roman sitting in a chair in the lobby, but he stands up when he sees me. The second we leave the office and make our way outside,  Roman starts to ask questions.

" What happened in there?" He asks.

" Nothing, she just wanted to confirm that what you said was true."

" And?"

" And I told her that everything you said was true."

" Thank you for not lying, even though you could have."

" Yeah, no problem."

" Did anything else happen?"

" Yeah. She just gave me some exercise for our relationship. And our next appointment is next week Wednesday." I say as we get in the car. " Hey, can you take me to the store I need to buy some personal stuff?"

" Yeah, I can take you to the drug store by the house."

" Thanks."
Once we return back to the house Roman runs upstairs to the master bedroom, while I make my way to the guestroom.

I sit on the bed and start to take off my heels because they wore hurting my feet. But I soon hear a knock on the door. " Come in," I say as I patiently wait for Roman to come in. He opens the good just to his head pop out. " What's up?"

" Hey, I know we don't get a lot of time to chill when we are on the road. So I can order a pizza and we can watch a movie together. Jojo ordered a month of Hulu on my card, and I don't see a reason why we can't use it."

" Yeah, let me just change into more comfortable clothes."

" Okay, cool. I'll be in the living room. Do you have a certain pizza you want?"

" It doesn't matter," I say. " See you soon." He then closes the door while giving me a smile.

I really don't know what to do right now, and I feel bad, because I probably look like a cold stone bitch in his eyes, but I want him to learn his lesson. But on the other hand, I wanna cuddle with him and give him kisses because I see that he is trying. So I will try and be more supportive of our relationship.
I put on a birdie bee black sports bra on and some leggings.

" Here goes nothing." I say before taking a deep breath.

I walk out to Roman on his laptop as he seats in a higher chair near the kitchen island

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I walk out to Roman on his laptop as he seats in a higher chair near the kitchen island. " Hey, I order a larger pizza with soy cheese and green peppers and another one with all meat." He says without looking back to see me.

I make my way to the television and turn it on, to see that Roman's Hulu account was already logged in. " Hey Roman, what do you wanna watch?"

He then looks my way to respond. " It's up to you." He says " But the pizza will be here in about 30 minutes."

" Okay, thank you baby." I see a smile come from his face when I called him baby, he tried to hide it but I still saw it. " Do you wanna the commuter?"

" Yeah, that sounds nice." He says making his way to the couch. I hit play then place the remote on the tv stand before sitting down with Roman. But when I do I place my head on his chest. I can tell is really confused,  but he doesn't wanna say anything to ruin the moment. So he decided to rub my head instead. And for the time in a long time, I felt comfortable with Roman.

" When are you flying back to Arizona?" He whispers in my ear so I can still hear the movie.

I then whisper back " I may stay here for a while." his smile grows bigger then it was before. " If that's okay with you?"

" Of course it is." He says. I then lean up and give him a sweet kiss, before enjoying the movie.

Happy New Year 🎆.

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