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" Nikki never blamed you for the gifts, and I never told you." I say to Seth. The whole rooms looks at us, and both of the girls mouth drop.

" Yes, you did. Over the phone, buddy." He says playfully hitting me in the arm.

" Seth, I didn't talk to you on the phone that day. So you got 3 seconds to tell the truth, or -"

He suddenly interrupts me. " Or What Roman? You gonna beat me up or throw me out. But you must have forgot that you are in my home."

" I don't give a damn who home I am in. So again you got three seconds to explain what the hell is going on!" I say aggressively stepping up to him. Paige moves with the fear the she might get hurt.

" Fine, here's the truth I came on to Nikki in the parking lot, so she was telling the truth. And I am the person who sent her the present. But the biggest truth is your an idiot. You turned on her that-" He doesn't finish the rest because I punch him in the face, which knocks him out. His head hit the kitchen sink and knocks him out but sadly he doesn't start to bleed.

" Roman, walk away." Dean says as he gets between Seth who lays on the floor and me who is about to do more damage. I take his advice and just watch the damage I have done.

" He is still breathing." Renee announces to the whole room as she checks his pulses.

I then turn around trying to figure out my next move, I look out the window to see that the snow has already started to fallen, which means that there is no way I can fly to see Nikki. I then look for my phone as I try to dial Nikki, knowing that there is like a 100% chance of her not answering.

Out of the ring 3 {completed}Where stories live. Discover now