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It's been officially a week since Roman and I have talked to each other, and things are about to get worse because Roman, Randy, the usos, and Naomi and I have all have Q and A session at noon, and being honest I am quite nervous.

I stand alone as the rest of the group including Roman waits to be introduced for the Q &A session in a few minutes when I see a tall and strong manly figure shadow approach me I look up to see Randy standing over me with a huge smirk. But I don't know why because I haven't really talked to him since he called me out on live tv. I look to my left to see if Roman notices, but he is too into his conversation with Jimmy to notice.

" What Randy?" I ask with an attitude hoping he would get the sign to leave me alone, but sadly it doesn't work.

" What's with the attitude?" He asks then follows with an irrational sarcastic laugh.

" Have anyone ever told you that you're a jerk?"

" Nikki Bella, you were not the first but you will not be the last." He tells me. " But the real question is what happened with you and Reigns?" He asks as he looks at Roman.

" Nothing happened."

" Oh, so most Wrestling couples don't sit together at catering or ride together. Or don't even talk to each other?"

" Ra-" I stop talking because I hear our names being introduced.

" Please Welcome Roman Reigns." The announcers say and the crowd cheers. " Nikki Bella." The crowd cheer again." Randy Orton." The crowd booed " And the usos and Naomi." The crowd starts to cheer again. When I get there I get super nervous because my seat is between Roman and Randy. I just wave at the audience and try to act normal as I fix my hair. Roman doesn't even look my way but straight at the audience.

The announcers then grab a microphone and start to talk to the audience. " Alright can we please all get seated and quiet down." The audience follows her instructions but it takes a few minutes. "Alright, thank you. Now we are going to start letting fans ask some questions to our superstars. Who would like to go first?"

I see a little girl around 6 with brown hair rocking a Bella Twin shirt with black leggings underneath jumping with excitement to ask us a question, the announcer calls on her and the crew gives her a microphone. " Hi. I have a question for Nikki."

" Hi, what's your name?" I ask her.

" Marley."

" That's a very cute name and you are adorable."

" Thank you." She says with the biggest smile. " My question is how does it feel to be an aunt now?"

" It feels amazing to be an aunt, I haven't seen her in a while but I can't wait to see her again, she is growing up to fast." I respond back.

" I have another question. When are you and Roman going to start having kids?"

Her question takes me back a little, because after everything that happened. I look at Roman but he won't look my way. " I am not really sure I think once I retired because I can't take bumps if I have a baby bump." Everyone starts to laugh except Roman who just stares blank at the audience.

About an hour has went by and the Q and A is almost over. " Alright, we only have time for one more question. Who has one?" The announcer ask. I see a boy around the age of 10 raise his hand and he is given a microphone.

" Roman and Nikki you all have been engaged for almost 2 months now, do you have a wedding venue picked out yet?"

" Um we are-" I stop talking when I hear Roman voice come over mine.

" I'm over this." He says, as the whole rooms looks at him. " I am tired of lying to everyone the past hour or so, because the truth is Nikki and I are no longer together and chances are we will never get back together due to trust and cheating issues. Now if you excuse me the hour is up and I have to go. Thank you." He thens gets up and leave everyone speechless but me heartbroken.

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