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It's a few minutes past midnight when I hear the front door open. " Roman!" I whisper before getting out of bed and meeting him downstairs. It's hard to see because the room is a dim, but it doesn't take me long to feel his arms wrap around my waist. " What are you doing up?" Roman ask me as he flips me around and picks me up, as both my legs and my arms wrap around him.

" I just wanted to see you."

" Okay, I'll be up there soon. Put get some rest, that's the only way your memory will come back and you can wrestle again."

" Well, actually. I know we haven't gotten some alone time in a while so how about we enjoy a glass of wine?"

" Actually... let's do that." Roman says putting me down.

" Perfect...white or red?"

" Your choice... I'll get the glasses."

" Okay be right back." I make my way downstairs to grab a bottle of wine when all of a sudden an unknown flashback hit me. It's with me but another man other than Roman. " Adam?" I whisper to myself. The flashback continues with us ripping each other clothes off and making out. The flashback ends but I am still shaken. Does Roman know about Adam and me?
After a few minutes, I make my way upstairs with a bottle of red wine. " Hey, I was getting worried about you. What took you so long?"

" Sorry, I was looking for a certain bottle." I say trying to seem calm.

" Why, are we celebrating something?"

" Actually, yes." I say with a smile. " While you were gone, I got a call from the performance center to come down. After, coming down we did a few in-ring tests and another test to see if I am safe enough to get back in the ring. And I passed which means I am cleared. I will be starting with you for the weekend event. "

" Nikki, that's great." He says kissing me.

" I know... I am so excited."

" So I am... It was getting lonely without you on the road. But I was meaning to ask you did you get the results of Paige's test?"

" No, I never got it. But Thursday when I was done trying on breakfast she told me that Seth knows about the baby and just wanna make sure it is his."

" Well, who else would it be?"

" Well, she also told me that she slept with other men who were also in a serious relationship or married." When I say that I see Roman's body starting to stiffen up. " Are you okay?"

" Yea, sorry. Just my foot feel asleep."

" Oh, well let's finish this up. And go upstairs... I am starting to get tired as well."

Out of the ring 3 {completed}Where stories live. Discover now