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I can't believe I am doing this! It was my one rule but I am breaking it tonight! Tonight I am sleeping with Roman in the master bedroom. I know I shouldn't be panicking because I have seen like every inch of his body but it is just still awkward. This is the first time I've slept next to someone in a month. And I have no idea if we should or should not cuddle.
But I don't even know how this happened. All I know is that we're enjoying the movie and then a kiss or two slipped between the film and I told him that I wanted to stay and sleep with him. This should be great... I hope.

I lay in the bed wearing nothing but my black robe as I wait for Roman to come in

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I lay in the bed wearing nothing but my black robe as I wait for Roman to come in. I am nervous because I don't know what to expect, are we going to kiss or even cuddle? At this point I just want things to come naturally without either of us messing with it.

Roman walks in with two bowls in hand as he try and closes the door. Once he reaches the bed, he pass me one of the glass bowls. " What is this?" I ask.

" I made you dessert. That is Light ice cream with organic chocolate syrup and nuts." He tells me as he takes a scoops of his.

" Wow! Chef Roman!" I say laughing as I take a bite of mine. " This is delicious. You may have another career choice after wrestling."

" Thanks. But I wanna talk to you about therapy today. I really wanna work on our relationship, so what games did she give you to fix our relationship?"

" Well, it's not really a game. But it's more like an exercise. So she wants us to tell our truth."

" So like the time I lied to my parents when I was 6 and told them I didn't eat the last piece of cake."

" No silly, reveal the truth of things that would make me upset or that you are too afraid to tell me and I will do the same."

" Ok that sounds easy."

" Great, you start."

" Alright, I thought you were an awful person when you were with John." He says to me.

" What? Why?"

" I don't know. I just didn't like John. So it gave me a reason not to like you."

" Okay fair... I guess."

" Your turn."

" Okay let me think... Oh, this is a good one! I always thought you were hot. But I didn't wanna tell you because I thought you were an overconfident already."

" Ok that's reasonable. My turn. I was the one who ate your last piece of candy."

" It wasn't Jojo?"

" No. It was me I am sorry."

" Okay, that's fine." I say taking a deep breath as I thought about my new confession."  When you and I first got together, I used to secretly take the condoms off so I could get pregnant with your baby."

" Well that was next level serious. Why would you do that?"

" I don't... I guess I just wanted a baby."

" I know. But let's say I got you pregnant."

" I know it was dumb. I am sorry."

" Don't worry about it. But my next confession maybe a little crazy. When we first became tag team partner I used to jerk off in private over you."

" OMG! Roman that's hot. You should have told me that sooner." I say laughing before giving him a kiss. " My turn. I always wanted to some kinky stuff and dress up as characters for sex. But I didn't wanna tell you because I thought it was dumb."

" No. I thought about that as well maybe like cheerleader and football player."

" Aw we are bonding already. But let's move to the next level. You start."

" Okay." He says taking a deep breath. " The night I proposed to you... I also spent the whole night with Aliyah."

" Are you serious?" I ask him as I feel my blood boil.

" Yes-" Before he can finish I slap him hard in the face.

" Ugh this was stupid... actually no your stupid. You spent the night with another woman the day you propose to me. Like who does that?l" I say getting out the bed. " I'm over this... We will never work. I am going home tomorrow morning." I say storming off and in tears.

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