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After Roman confronted me last night about Nikki being on to us, I decided that I wanted to tell her the truth... Or at least of the version of the truth. And I think the perfect time to tell her is today when we go dress shopping today.

I come downstairs to see Brie, Nikki, Roman, and Kathy eating breakfast in the dining room. Before I can even speak or wish them a good morning. Kathy says " Paige, I made breakfast it's on the counter. Go eat the baby needs it."

" Okay, thanks." I say making my way to the kitchen. I see there is some eggs, fruit, potatoes, and bacon. I grab a little of everything before going to sit down with everyone. I grab a sit between the twins, but it's kinda awkward because I am right across from Roman, I give him a friendly smile but he just looks away.

" Do you know the gender yet?" Kathy ask me as I start to eat my food.

" No... Not yet."

" When is the due date?" Brie asks me as she takes a sip of her no- pulp orange juice.

" Like August 18."

" That's so close to the wedding." Nikki says.

" Nicole and Brie, you should throw Paige a baby shower during the week of the wedding, so all your friends can attend both events," Kathy says

" They don't have to." I say. " because Nikki should be focusing on her wedding, plus Napa really isn't my type of place to hold a baby shower."

" Yea, Paige is right. That week is all about Nikki." Roman says

" No... It's about us." Nikki says correcting him.

" Fine, I'll plan Paige's baby shower." Brie says." This may be here first and only child, so why not give her a baby shower of a lifetime. Now if you excuse me, I am going to go upstairs and get a dress to go dress shopping with Nikki." Brie says getting up from the table.

The table is quiet for a few seconds before Nikki turns to Roman and ask. " Did you make your bachelor party-list yet?"

" I already told you I didn't want one, because they are overrated."

" You don't have to have a crazy one. Like with female strippers." Kathy says.

" Yea, I am going to have a classical and fancy one. No stripers or nudity. Just enjoying being single one last time."

" Fine, I'll think about it. But it's not going to be a super large party just a few of my friends."

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