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I took a car service to the hospital, because Roman had plenty to do before we fly out tomorrow. But we both agreed that he would pick me up in 2 hours. Which gives me just enough time to deal with what ever Paige needs from me.
I walk down the hospital hallways with Paige purse and her other items she asked me to grab for the baby such as clothes and other things that I don't know but should learn what they are... but what's the point if I can't have a baby with Roman. Anyway speaking of babies I don't know why I brought it up when I was talking to Seth on the phone. It was so foolish of me... There is no way I can do that to Roman he would be so hurt. But when I see Seth I am going to tell Seth despite our conversation earlier that I don't want his donation.
Finally, I made it to Paige's room after a walk that seemed like a marathon in heels. Expecting to see Paige sleep, I am in shock when I see Paige holding her baby girl. And they are not alone standing over them is Seth with his scruffy beard and beanie hat. As if they were a big happy family. My smile instantly disappears and everything I say about Seth is gone.
" Are you okay?" He asks as I freeze in motion attracting the concern as Paige as well.
" Yea. Great... Perfect. I am just surprised to see you here so early. I literally called you late last night." I say nervously still trying to get my thoughts together.
" Well, I just wanted to meet my little girl. So after you called I booked a flight to Tampa, landed here about 6 this morning. And came straight to the hospital."
" isn't that sweet Nicole? I woke up and saw him watching me."
" Yes, very sweet." I say trying to sound influential as possible, but not meaning a single word. It's like hello, earth to Paige. The guy was not here for you throughout your entire pregnancy. He tried to get with me, your best friend, multiple times, and on top of that you guys can't stand each other. They must have her on some type of drug. But speaking of drugs, I need to ask Paige about the ones I found in her apartment, but with all of this going on I don't know how too. " Hey, I am going to let you guys enjoy this time alone. So I am going to run downstairs to the cafeteria and grab some coffee. Does anyone else want anything?" I ask starting to back up slowly towards the hallway.
" No, I'm good." Seth says.
" I'll take a blueberry bagel." Paige says as she gives me a smile. "My wallet is in my purse If you wanna use that money."
" Oh no, it's on me." I say finally leaving the room. Once reaching the elevator I wait for a few minutes, I guess hospitals are mostly busy in the morning. Once in I am about to close the door when I hear the sound of someone yelling.
" Hold that." Without thinking of anything, I do as told and hold the elevator but soon regret it when I see its Seth. " Oh, thanks. I didn't feel like waiting for another one." But as he says that I see him push the ' Stop button.' slowly and trying to be slick but I caught him.
" Hey, Seth, I think you stopped the elevator." I say pointing to the buttons.
" Yea, no I didn't." He says, but as he says those words the elevator comes to a complete stop. " Oh now won't you look at that, the elevator stop. I guess that gives us more time to talk about yesterday." He says coming closer to me as I back into the corner.
" Yesterday?" I say acting confused but frightened.
" Yea, yesterday, when we talked about me giving you a baby. I believe your exact words were 'I didn't forget about sperm donation. I have been really thinking about it lately." He says with a cheeky smile. " But the truth is I haven't forgotten about either, I have been thinking about it just as much as you have. But since we both agree on that the only question we should ask how do we want to do it the old fashion way or in a lab. I think you know my choice." He says forcing me to look him in the eyes grasping on to every word. But I am saved when my phone rings we both look down to see that it's from Roman. He then comes super close, our lips almost connecting and he says to me. " Don't answer it, I rather you spend time with me." And like earlier with the elevator, I listened to him. I hit the 'decline' button on Roman. " Good girl." He says backing up and hitting the stop button again, causing it to good. " If you excuse me, I have to get back to Paige. She probably needs me." Once he exits the elevator I am in shock, because at that moment I wanted Seth and I couldn't deny the sexual tension between us.
After the elevator, I took time to regroup on what hist happened. And I decided that it would best for me to just go home and be with Roman. And Seth can I just go back to Iowa. So that's what I did I called him and told to pick me up at this very moment. I would rather leave right now, but I have to go upstairs and grab my purse. Because the only thing I brought with me to the cafeteria was my phone and a twenty-dollar bill.
Once returning upstairs I see that the baby is no longer in Paige or Seth hands, so it must back in ICU. " Oh, Nikki, your back." Paige says all excitingly as if she had to tell me something. " Good news! Seth and I are getting back together, and he will be staying in Tampa for three months. Isn't that great?"

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