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I sit outside of Smackdown live in the quite and cold car, waiting to see what my future beholds in this white envelope. As I was leaving I saw that the DNA Test that was mailed to Nikki but was suppose to be for Paige came in, and I couldn't help but to grab it because I knew if Nicole got to it before me, and my name was on it it would be over.

I start to open up the envelope but I just put it down again, because I can't deal with the results. Like what do I tell Nikki if I am the father? " Hey, don't worry I got your best friend pregnant but don't worry it was an accident." I say trying to cheer myself up. But I only start crying. Nikki and I have come so far, and I don't want things to be over just because I made a very stupid mistake. I look at the lock again seeing that I was supposed to be in the arena twenty minutes ago, but I can't handle my emotions. " Just open it." I yell at myself. " Just... Open... It." I repeat but it is obviously not going to work.

I rest my head on the steering wheel until I hear my phone go off. I hit the home button to see that Nikki has called me and left a voice mail. I click the voice email immediately to see what she had to say. " Hey, Baby. It's me, Nikki. I was just checking in on you normally you call by now, so I hope everything is great. I am also calling to tell you, that I found the perfect wedding dress, and for the first time today when I was putting the dresses on, I actually felt like I was getting married! But I am going to end this voicemail soon because I am probably going to get cut off soon. But I love you, baby and I can't wait to get back on the road. Call me if you wanna talk." Her voicemail brings a smile over my face until I realize what information is hanging over my head.

" Do it for Nicole." I whisper before finally getting the courage to open the envelope. I unfold the paper and start to read these confusing charts and information. But after a few minutes, I learn that the baby is not Seth, nor mine. But reads ' unknown donor.'

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