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Tonight was amazing, Roman said he will give me kids and we are finally on the same page and that is all I could ask for.

Roman and I walk into the hotel lobby holding hands and smiling ear to ear with one another. I feel the way we did when we first fell in love.  He then put his mouth near my ear and whispers " Do you wanna start trying tonight?"

"'That's not a bad idea." I say. " But I need to make one more stop, I'll be upstairs in 10 minutes."

" Yes  ma'am." Roman says but before leaving our conversation with a kiss.

A few minutes after Roman leaves me I head up to the visit the girls. When I texted them they said they were Naomi's and Jimmy's Suite.

I knock on their door. A few seconds later Jimmy opens the door. " Hey, Nikki. " He says giving me a hug." Where's Roman?" He says looking over my shoulder.

" In our room." I say. Jimmy stares at me for a few awkward seconds as I wait to come in. I then here Naomi yell from the back.

" Let her in!"

" Oh.. Yeah... Sorry." He says as moves to let me pass. When I walk in I see Renne, Naomi, and Natalya all on the couch with drinks in hand.

 When I walk in I see Renne, Naomi, and Natalya all on the couch with drinks in hand

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" Hi!" I say as I walk there way. They all say hello back as I sit on the couch next to them.

" Hey, Nikki, you want anything to drink?" Jimmy asks me as he stands in the kitchen. " We have tequila and vodka."

" No, thank you I am not staying long." I say."But you know I am a wine girl." I say joking around.

" Alright, I'll remember that." Jimmy says as he takes a seat to Naomi on the couch.

" Oh, How did your dinner go with Roman?" Renee ask me. Without trying I start to smile. " It's must-have went good."

" Yeah, Roman said he would give me kids." I say. " I have never been so happy in my life."

" When are you all going to start trying?" Naomi asks me.

" Tonight!" I say with so much excitement, then I look at Jimmy's face and see that is he disgusted.

" Aw, hell no. I am out of here. I am not trying to listen to my cousin's sex life. If you need to be I will be in the bedroom." He says, then gets up and leaves and close the two French doors behind him. All four of us girl start to laugh at his reaction until Nattie starts talking.

" Hey, Nicole, I don't mean to be a Debbie downer, but if you get pregnant now or any time in the near future your wrestling career is over. I mean look at brie, it's going on two years since she's been in the ring."

" Yeah, but Brie retired at WrestleMania 32." Renee says.

" But still look at the hard time she is having, even she wanted to come back it will be hard because she has to bring the baby everywhere with her. Nikki, if you have a baby currently your and Roman life will change forever. And since every day you and Roman get into an argument would it be smart to through a child in that situation."

I look down in sadness knowing that Nattie has a point. " Yea, I guess your right." I say. " Well I am going to get going. But I will see you all in the morning."

When I get to my room I open the door with the card,  and walk into see Roman standing there with two glasses of champagne in his hands. I walk up to him and he passes me one. " Too our future children." He cheers as we both tap glasses. Roman then quickly down his drink, and pushes me in bed. He takes off his suit jacket and throws in on the floor then lays on top of me. He starts to kiss my neck, but I am to numb to feel it. " What's wrong he?" He says as he look at me.

" I told the girls that we were going to start trying. And Nattie started telling me how getting pregnant will end my career and that our relationship is to unstable. "

Roman gets off me and lay next to me. " Well screw Nattie. Our relationship is not unstable, we may argue a lot but I am always going to be running back to you. And as for your career, we can put the baby making on hold.  I don't wanna take your career away from you. Now, how about we order some dessert from room service and get under the cover and watch some movies?"

" That sounds perfect. "

" Then the only question to ask is Chocolate or Carrot?"


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