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I wake up being unfamiliar with where I rested my head, but I soon remember when I see Roman's arm rested over my side. Without moving too much I try and reach for my phone, after a few minutes of struggling I find it near my left thigh. I turn it on to see that it's a few minutes past midnight, but I also have to do the undesirable action of calling Seth and telling him about the baby. I pick up my phone and decided to go into the living room. Once in I take a seat on the couch, and dial his number. He should be up it's only 11 there. After a few seconds, he answers the phone and appears to be in a shocking state of consciousness. " This can't be right, is this Nikki Bella calling me?" He says then end the questions in an annoying laugh.
I roll my eyes at his comment before answering. " Yes, it's me, Nikki."
" Well, what can I help you with? Is this about my donation?"
" No, Seth, Paige had the baby." Once I tell him that the conversation gets suddenly quiet for about a minute ." Seth, are you still there?"
" Yes. I am just trying to get my thoughts together." Seth says, but when he says it. It sounds like he actually sounds like he has some remorse for not being there. And the phones goes quite again. " Hey, Nicole, did Paige actually say she wanted me there... or are just calling me?"
" She asked me to call you."
" Alright, Well I will be there in the morning. Thanks for calling me. I will see you in soon. Good-"
" Wait, Seth!" I blurt out, soon hoping me ignorance did not wake up Roman. " I know that now is not the time to speak about. But I didn't forget about sperm donation. I have been really thinking about it lately, I just don't know to tell Roman."
" Alright, well we can talk about it tomorrow when I see you. In the meantime, take care Nicole." he say before hanging up.
Once I get off the couch I make my way to the kitchen to grab another donut from the dozen that Roman bought earlier. But I am shocked when I see a bottle of prescription drugs with Paige name on it. And I am pretty sure that is the reasons why Paige had an earlier labor.
I pick up the container and put it in my purse, so I can ask Paige about it tomorrow. But I soon see the light come on, meaning Roman must be up. I start to panic a little when I see his figure in the shadows.
" What are you doing?" He asks walking towards me.
" Umm... just enjoying a midnight snack."
" Oh, alright you mind if I join you."
" Of course not." I say opening up the boxes of donuts to him.

Out of the ring 3 {completed}Where stories live. Discover now