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Today is the day... Today is our engagement party. I am honestly so happy because I never thought this would happen, but here it is and it has to be perfect.

I walk downstairs with messy hair and my black short and sexy nightgown to see Roman managing the men and women coming in and out of the house as they set up everything for our party. " There you are, baby." Roman says as he brings me in for a good morning kiss. " How did you sleep?"

" Great but why is ice sculpture in the house, when it should be outside with the other decoration?" I ask Roman.

" because we don't want it to melt. But Nikki, I got this. You go upstairs and make yourself look beautiful, this your day and I want you to enjoy it. The guest should start getting here in about 3 hours,  but I am going to pick up the kids in 2 hours. But don't work about anything." Roman says trying to reassure me about today's whole process.

" Fine. But one more thing I want sparkling water for the kids, the juice is too messy and it doesn't fit the champagne theme."

" I got it handled. Now go." He says gently pushing me away.
2 1/2 later

Within 2 and half hours later I was able to take a shower, do my hair and makeup, and change in too multiple hours until I found the perfect one...

Within 2 and half hours later I was able to take a shower, do my hair and makeup, and change in too multiple hours until I found the perfect one

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But before I can even see how I fully look Roman walks in with Jojo without even knocking. " Nikki." Jojo screams as she runs up to hug me. I slightly bend down to hug her so I don't rip my dress. When I get up the hug I see Roman standing looking directly as if it was the first time.

" Stop looking at me." I say to Roman trying to laugh it off.

" I'm sorry... But you have no idea how stunning you look and I am so lucky to call you to mine."

"Aw." I say to Roman as I walk to him in these heels and give with a kiss that doesn't last long because of Jojo.

" That's nasty." She says which causes Roman to disconnect our lips, which may be for the better because some of my red lipstick got on his soft and incredibly sexy lips.

" I think I got some lipstick on you." I tell him. He starts to wipes it off but the color still sticks to his lip.

" It's fine, nothing is wrong with having a little color in your life.... But I can't even remember why I came up here to get you."

Jojo rolls her eyes at Roman. " We came up here to show her the yard."

" Oh that's right, everything is done. The guest should be here soon. I am going to get dress in like 30 minutes but you are welcome to go look around." Roman says before walking into the master bathroom.

" Alrights let's look at the party, Jojo." I say as I reach for her hand to hold.

" Okay."

As we get closer to the back yard Jojo and I start to hear the doorbell ring. " That's must be me sister and her family, you finally get a chance to officially meet Birdie." I start to walk to the door is a faster pace and have my arms ready for a hug but I quickly put them down when I see who it is. " Galina?" but it was not just Galina she was carrying a huge baby bump.

" Don't look shock Nikki, there was no way I was going to miss my best friend and ex-husband engagement party."

Out of the ring 3 {completed}Where stories live. Discover now