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After hearing the disturbing video of Roman bashing my sister, of course we all decided to see what is going on down there. It sucks we have to cut the party short, but I feel even worse for Nicole. I don't think I have ever seen her this heart broken.
" Are you sure you are okay?" I say as I lean across the aisle to see her daydreaming into the window.
She turns her head from the window, and looks at me.
" Yea, I am just tired. It's like 2 in the morning... and let's be honest know saw my party going like this."
" Well, what are you going to do when you get there?"
" I am really not sure. I just want to talk about what he said and what provoked it. I just can't believe he did something this stupid in less then 24 hours from us getting married."
" I know. He -"
" Ladies, we are here." The driver said cutting me off.
" Girls, wake up. We are here."Nikki yells getting of the van first while, the rest of the group gets up.
By the time we get to lobby we catch up with Nicole.
Who is talking that hands her a room key.
" Thank you." Nicole says.
My heart starts pounding as we get closer to there suite. I honestly don't know what we are going to find in there. It could be strippers or maybe them just playing video game. But the second one seem unlikely.
" Nicole, take a deep breath." Naomi says, but Nicole overlooks her advice and just open the door.
" Nicole?" Dean says in amazement as him and the usos are in the kitchen. Nikki ignores him and makes a beeline straight to Roman's room upstairs. " What are you guys doing here?"
" Check your phone, Dummy." Renee says. Dean looks at us for a few seconds, before he takes her advice.
I quickly roll my eyes and head upstairs to find Daniel. Who I know isn't drunk. I don't bother to knock, but rather barge my way in.
" Brie?" He says closing his book and getting out of bed to give me a hug. " What are you doing here?"
" What your problem? You don't miss me?"
" No!" He seems shocked. " Last time I checked most of the times these parties are done separately."
" I know! I was just joking. But you seriously don't why we are here?"
" No."
" Oh... Yea that's right you are not on social media that much. But a video of Roman bashing Nikki went viral. So we stopped what we were doing and flew out here. "
" Well... Dang. But I figured that would happen."
" Well, why didn't you stop him?"
" Because I told Roman earlier tonight if he really loved Nicole that he wouldn't need my guidance or help."
" When did he ask you?"
" On the plane."
" Oh, that's strange. So are you saying, Roman, doesn't love Nicole?"
" If the shoe fits. Where is she even?"
" Last time I saw her she was heading to Roman's bedroom."
" Oh that's a bad idea."
" Why is that bad-"
I stop talking when I hear screaming and yelling coming from across the room. Daniel and I look at each other before running to see what's going on.

Out of the ring 3 {completed}Where stories live. Discover now