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I have been at home for a few days now and will stay here until I am cleared to go back. The doctors said they don't think it is a good idea to wrestle with memory loss so for now, so, for now, I am stuck here.

I walk around the kitchen going through the cabinets trying to find a bowl when I hear the sound of suitcase wheels rolling against the floor. I stop immediately and turn my whole body around. " Are you okay?" Roman asks as he stops pulling the suitcase and walks over to me.

" Yea, I just wanted a bowl of cereal... That's all."

" Oh okay... Well, this is like the first time I have ever seen you eat cereal. But they say it's the first time for everything."

" Right... Like this the first time you are leaving me alone with memory loss." I say smirking at him. He then pulls me in for a hug.

" I am sorry. I should have let you stayed with Brie and Birdie in Arizona." He says releasing the hug.

" Don't be... Like the doctor said I should be back in my home to get my memories back. Plus, I also get a chance to finish up the wedding planning process. It such a shame that I don't remember anything. But did I at least have fun?"

" The most. We spent the whole day together... Everything was perfect. no unwanted guests we're at the party. "

" Alright, I will take your word for it," I say kissing him with so much passion. " All right, I will see you in two days. I love you."

" Love You too."

So believe it or not a 12,000 square feet house can get pretty empty when you are the only living thing in there. So I decided to invite Paige over, this is the first time I saw her since the whole Seth scandal, so I hope we are cool.

I hear the doorbell ring, I hastily run towards the front door to go answer. When I open it I see Paige wearing this black coat. " Paige!" I say giving her a huge hug.

" Nikki!" She screams back the hug ended. I move out of the way to let her in.

" What's with the coat?" I ask." We are in Florida, not in Iowa."

"Actually..." Paige takes her coat off to reveal a growing baby bump.

" Paige... OMG... Congrats."

" Thanks."

" How many far are you?"

" I am going on my second trimester in a week."

" That's crazy. I did not even know, is that why you couldn't make it to my engagement party."

" Yea. I didn't want anyone to know. I felt really ashamed."

" Why?"

" Because Seth is the dad."

" Well, I know Seth does some stupid stuff but I think he will a great dad."

" That's the thing he doesn't know."

" What do you mean?"

" When Roman knocked Seth out after finding out the truth,  Seth was put in the hospital for a few days. During that time, I decided I was don with Seth. So Renne and Dean helped me move out, and I found this apartment in Orlando. But on my flight to Flordia from Iowa, I kept getting super sick. So I went to the hospital I only to figure out that I was 3 weeks pregnant with Seth's baby."

" Does he know?"

" No, I haven't talked to Seth since Christmas."

" You... We need to tell him."

" No way... I rather raise this baby on my own."

" Fine, but I wanna help. This house has 6 bedrooms.  And we only use 3. We could fill in some space and not make it so empty."

" Well, are you sure Roman will be okay with this?"

" After explaining it to him he will understand. Plus I will have something to keep me busy once the baby is born."

" Speaking of baby, I never got to apologize about you losing your baby. I can only imagine how you felt."

" It's fine. Looking back, I don't think Roman and I would have been ready for a baby anyway. For now, I wanna be married then have a baby. But enough baby talk I will call some movers, and we can get you moved in. I'm so excited."

Out of the ring 3 {completed}Where stories live. Discover now