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The front door open and my heart starts to throb when I hear Nicole heel walking towards me. And I know they are here when I see Jojo freeze-up when she strangers: Brie and Daniel. She slightly to get out her chair to introduce herself to them. But Nikki makes the process easier.
" Jojo, you met my sister Brie, and this is her husband Daniel." Brie gives Jojo a warm hug after Daniel pulls out his left hand to give her a friendly but awkward handshake.
" I'm Jojo." She says before going back to the table. When I turn back around I see Nikki walking up to me, I give her a kiss on the cheek but does not gives any affection back.
" Where's the boy?"
" There sleep." I respond hugging her from behind. But she rejects me and moves forward.
" So it's going to us five?"
" Yea."
" Okay." Nikki starts to walk to the table and I follow her to the table. I sit at the head of the table and Nikki sits at the other end. Jojo is seated next to me, Brie is sitting next to Nikki and Bryan is seated next to Brie, making the only empty seat by Jojo.
" Roman!" Brie blurts out. " What did you make for us?"
" Well I made... Ordered Italian food."
" Yum." Brie says.
" Yum? You're just saying that because you don't wrestle anymore."
" Well... Yea." Brie says laughing.
After Dinner I see Nikki standing at the sink washing the dishes, while the rest of us watch castaway starring Tom Hanks, that we caught half way through. " I'll be back." I say before getting up and walking over to Nikki. I sneak over to her successfully scarring her... or at least I thought I did.
" Got ya." I say
" I saw your reflection on the window." She says drying off a green plate and sticking it in the cabinet.
" Oh." I say I huge her from behind, she tries to escape but I am holding on to tightly.
" Babe, it's kinda hard to wash dishes when you can move your arms."
" I know... take a break... I want to talk to you."
Nicole puts the rag down in the steel sink, before taking a deep breath.
" Okay, let's go."
I lead her to the table far enough from everyone else, but somewhere were we can be comfortable.
" How are you?"
Just just looks at me for a second before answers.
" Fine, and you?"
" Well, I am not to happy. Because I know you are not happy. And your not happy because of our conversation earlier, that was not really resolved even though it seemed like it was. So what can I do to fix it?"
" I don't know. Because we keep hitting this point."
" What do you mean?"
" I mean, when everything is going right until something goes wrong and life gets more crazier then I every dream of. "
" I don't follow."
" I just don't get why you had to lie to me about your family. We were doing great, until then."
" Yea, I know. But I wanted to protect... I thought we had this conversation earlier can we please not do it again?"
" Yea. But how did you fix this problem?"
" I called them."
" And?"
" I invited them. They might come, they have a very busy weekend and might come."
" Might come!" She yells. " This is there son wedding and they might come?"
" I know, it's fine. It's there lost. But are we good? I don't wanna be left the alter this weekend."
" Yea, I am more mad at your parents for not making you a priority."
" Good. I was hoping you said that."
" Why?"
" Because, I just want everything to be great."
" It will be... just keep me happy baby." She says walking back to the living room but first gives me a slick kiss on the mouth but squeeze be below. Causing me to squirm a little.

Out of the ring 3 {completed}Where stories live. Discover now