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I honestly have no words on what to say about last night. Like the fact that he said he wishes he could be with his ex really hurts, especially after knowing all the things they went through. But it's okay, Lana, Paige, Alexa, and I are going to have a pool day and I am very excited just to chill.

 But it's okay, Lana, Paige, Alexa, and I are going to have a pool day and I am very excited just to chill

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We all layout on pool chairs, as we soak up the sun rays trying to get a natural tan.

"So, Nikki when is the wedding? " Lana ask me as she sips her mango pineapple smoothie.

"  It's funny so said that. Roman and I were just talking about that." I lied ." When definitely wanna have a summer wedding so sometime next year. But we are in a little debate because he wanna have the wedding in the Samoan island, but I wanna get married in Napa Valley." I say. I just didn't feel comfortable telling them that Roman and I have broken up or the fact that he wished he was back with his ex. It's already really embarrassing

" Well, Roman better learn the term Happy wife mean happy life." Nattie says. The four of us all share laughter then it gets quiet as we hear the birds start chirping.

"Oh look, It's Randy." Alexa says. I open my eyes to Randy walking our way.

" Hi ladies." Randy says. He takes at seat at the end of my lounge chair and seductively gently rubs my upper leg. I look around and see that known of the other girls notice. I roll my eyes, he just think is so smooth.

" What's up Randy?" I say hoping he would leave soon but trying to seem friendly.

" Well, I woke up and looked outside my hotel room to see 4 of the most beautiful woman in WWE outside my window. So how could I not say hi."

" Randy, your so sweet." Lana says as she starts blushing.

This whole conversation is getting really uncomfortable really quick, I have to find away out. " Hey, I am going to get a refill of my drink. Any one want one?"

" I do." Lana says.

" Me too." Alexa says. " Thank you."

" No, problem. " I grab there empty glasses and start to make my way to the pool bar.

" Hey, Nikki wait up. I will go with you." Randy says as he starts jogging my way. I guess somebody can't catch a hint. " So, I heard you and Roman broke up."

I turn to him in disgust. " So do you all just gossip, now?"

" Calm down Nikki, Only Me, Seth, Dean, Hunter, John, Miz, Dolph, and Rusev know. So in other words everybody knows. But no worries I still have a spot for you.

" No, thank you. Plus I am focusing on being single right now."

" C'mon Nikki you can't be single."

" Why?"

" Because you need a man to enhance your career. Do you think it was an accident that you somehow got with three of the most influences in the company right now. As if you wouldn't become divas champion for 301 days without John." He says with this large dumb overconfident smile. 

His words make me frown, mainly because I was hurt. I didn't know what to say, so I just threw the remaining of my drink in his face and flicked him off, then walked away.

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