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I walk out of the doctor's office and start to head to my car. Once in I notice that I missed a couple of calls from Nia, so out of decency of our friends call her back. The phone dials once before she answers.
" Hey, Nicole."
" Hey, Nia. What's up?"
" Are you busy?"
" No, why?"
" Nothing I was just calling you to see how your appointment was and how are things with Roman. You guys looked great this morning."
" Nia is called acting."
" So you didn't talk to him?"
" No!"
" Why?"
" Because I was going to and then I thought to myself what person will be honest about having an affair. He will just say no and just try and hide it even more."
" Oh my gosh, girl. Just tell him... But I gotta go I got a lot to do tonight before the show starts. But I wanna continue this conversation. Are you and Roman staying at the same hotel tonight?"
" Yes, because smackdown is at the same arena tomorrow as well."
" Alright, well get dinner tonight. It's my treat."
" Yes, let's do it. Bye Girl." I say hanging up and the phone.
Once arriving back at the hotel, I just sit in the car for almost an hour trying to get myself mentally prepared to deal with this whole situation. When I enter the room is pretty quiet Roman must be either at the gym, sleeping, or with his side chick. But as of now, I keep telling myself that I shouldn't care and I should let Roman have his fun.
Shortly after sitting there in silence Roman comes in with his same outfit on my earlier. " Hey, there you are?" He says walking up to me on the couch. " I've been calling you. I was getting worried."
" Oh well I was at my doctor's appointment." I say getting up off the couch once he sits down next to me. " What have you been up too?"
" Well, I did some sightseeing. It would have been better if I had my other half with me." He says getting off the couch and hugging me from behind.
" Well, I am sure you could have replaced. Plus I had to go to my appointment."
" Yea, I know. So how was your appointment anyway?"
" It was fine. Just the normal X-ray and blood test. Why?"
" Just checking. Do you wanna grab dinner in a few hours?"
" No! I have plans."
" Well, do you wanna get lunch?"
" Fine, if you want." I say." Let me just grab my purse."
" Alright, I will pull the car up."
Roman and I have been sitting here for a few minutes, just enjoying some drinks because it's a happy hour while we wait for our food.
" So when do your results come back from the lab?"
" Tomorrow. We are supposed to talk about it tomorrow before the show."
" Oh, well you're the strongest person I -"
" Roman here's the deal I want this to be fair. So I either want a divorce or an open marriage. I will let you pick." I say taking a sip of my drink.

Out of the ring 3 {completed}Where stories live. Discover now