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Roman just told me the news that he and I will be working together, and to be honest I couldn't be happy. I love working with Roman, I mean it is the reason we got together.

I wait in the Gorilla as I hear Roman and Randy talk trash on the mic about one another, as I look at the monitor as well.

I wait in the Gorilla as I hear Roman and Randy talk trash on the mic about one another, as I look at the monitor as well

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After being so obsessed with my man, I finally let go of the gaze I have on him. I then hear someone say " Nikki, you are on in 5...4....3...2...1."

My music hits, I wait a few seconds and walk out with a microphone in my hand.

" Oh my Gosh, Randy give it a rest." I say as I walk down the ramp. " Everyone here is so tired of hearing you talk about how you are the Mr. RKO or hearing how you call yourself the Viper." I say as I get in the ring, and stand right next to Roman. " But the real question is when was the last team you have been champion?"

Randy gives me a smirk before his continue talking. " Nikki, it's funny you say that. I do admit it been a minute or two since I had a champion belt around my waist, but I least I know I earned. I don't need to sleep around with the top talent, which reveals why you got with Roman... Because I guess Cena wasn't doing it for you anymore." As those disgusting words left Randy mouth, not only mine but the whole arena mouth drop, well everyone but Roman reigns. It was at this moment we know Randy is going off-script. I look at Roman, trying to figure out what our next step is going to be but before I can say anything Roman already takes the mic.

" Randy shut the hell up." Roman says as he aggressively steps toward Randy. " You must have lost your damn mind if you think I am going to sit here and let you call my beautiful and sexy as hell Fiancé out because she had previous relationship on live television or any other platform." Roman says, he then throws the microphone at Randy face. Then yells at him " You are just mad because she didn't choose you. Now get the hell out of here."Randy gets out the ring, and start to walk backstage. The production and sound team start to play Roman music. Roman looks down seeing that I am about to cry, and he hugs me. " Nicole... baby... I am so sorry." He whisper in my ear. " I didn't know he was going to do that. Are you okay?" I shake my head, I didn't want to talk because I didn't want to cry. " I told you he wasn't your friend, now let's go." Roman and I get out the ring and walk up the ramp holding hands. When we get backstage we notice everyone looking at me.
You guys don't hate on me, I am sure Randy would never do that. It's just a story.

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