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3 days later

I am on my way to catering when, I here my name being called from behind. " Roman!" I turn behind me to see Seth. Out of decency, I stop, even though I am not really in a talking mood.

" Hey man, where have you been? I haven't seen you since the engagement party

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" Hey man, where have you been? I haven't seen you since the engagement party."

" Yeah, I've been busy." I say.

" Man, if you wanna talk, my match isn't until another 20 minutes. I always-"

" You were right." I say as I cut him off.

" About?"

" Randy and Nikki."

" I'm sorry, man."

" Yea, and the worst part of it is she didn't tell me. Her drunk sister did."

" Aw man, well what's the deal with you all now."

" Well, I came home Tuesday and saw she was gone. I was obviously hurt about Randy, but I didn't want her too go. So Jojo and I flew to Arizona, because she rented a home out there. We got things works out, well at lease sorta, but when I told her to come home, she went on this whole rant about finding herself. "

" So, where is now?"

" Still in Arizona. But I just wanna give her some space."

" So, what does that mean for you two?"

" I don't know because when we got in that fight, I took her ring."

" You took her ring? Roman, you never take back the ring."

" I know, I was so stupid. " I say rubbing my head. " So, I don't know if we are engaged, just dating, or broken up?"

" Well, did you guys have sex?"

" Yeah."

" Well, she obviously has feelings for you, so I would meet up with her tonight, and see where it's at."

" That's the thing. I am in my mid 30, Seth I can't be playing games like a teenager. I just wanna hatch things out. And yes I understand that Nikki is my dream girl, but we might have to cut ties. But I guess we will see tonight."

Out of the ring 3 {completed}Where stories live. Discover now