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Roman get weird looks as we walk backstage together, after yesterday's fight between him and randy. But that's not what I am concerned about. Last night when we were watching one of the fast and furious film, he was acting so off.

" Hey, are you sure you are okay?"

" Yeah." He says looking far off not giving me any eye contact, proving my point of something is off with him.

Within an instant, I pull Roman aside to an empty hallway that only holds a few types of equipment. " I thought you were done lying." I say holding his face forcing him to make eye contact with me as he looks down.

" Nikki, what are you talking about?"

" Roman, I am not stupid. So you have five seconds to tell me what the hell is going on... or so help me God I am walking out those doors." I say pointing to two doors far out in the distance. He stares at me deeply has if he is waiting for something to jump off. " 1...2...3..4...5." I count. " Fine, play stupid but I am out of here."

Before I completely turn around Roman grabs my wrist, pulling me close to him. " It's Dean." he murmurs slowly. " He says that I have changed since dating you. Do you think I have changed?"

" Yes, but for the better." I say trying to make him feel better. " But what's the problem?"

" Last night Dean talked to me, and it seems like I had to choose between you or him."

" Oh." I say dropping my head, as some tears start to fall. " I thought we were done with this?" I say wiping my eyes. " And I don't want you to choose between me and him. He is literally your best friend."

I then feel his fingers touch my chin, as it force me to bring my head up. " No, you are my best friend." He then start to wipes my tears. " I love you so much, and I am never going to leave you. Okay?"

I shake my head yes, as I start crying into his shoulder. I then feel his rough large hand touch my back forming a hug.

Out of the ring 3 {completed}Where stories live. Discover now