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I stand near the door way as everyone says goodbye to Nikki. I am really happy for her, it may have been rocky but at least at the day they are together.
Once the car pulls off Nia and I , go back to Nikki dressing room to clean up and pick up her wedding dress.
" Your in a much better mode." Nia says.
" I know. It was just so much going on. Because Nikki literally had a panic attack this morning and didn't want to marry Roman."
" Are you serious?"
" Yea."
" Because of Vegas?"
" Yea, Nikki found sperm in the bed. And thought Roman cheated on her."
" Oh no, he wouldn't do that. Especially the morning of the wedding."
" Yea, she was not having it."
" So who sperm was it?"
I look back to see if anyone was near before looking back at Nia.
" Don't day again, but it was Dean. Roman didn't even notice."
" So he cheated on Renée?"
" Yea, but don't say anything."

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