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" Nicole!" I call out as look for Nicole she hasn't been seen in like 30 minutes and I wanna do the toast before it's got too late. But it doesn't take long to find her in the wine cellar with Adam. " Hey, where have you been?"

" Sorry, I was showing and telling Adam the history of the wines that are in here." She says I could tell she is lying because who could talk about wine for that long and I also noticed Adam pants zipper was unzipped. This leaves me an unsettled feeling but I guess I deserve it.

"  Oh ok cool. Well, do you wanna announce the wedding date announcement and location before the guest starts to leave?"

" Yeah, that's fine." she says, I leave my hand to hold and she accepts it as we walk up the stairs together. While Adam follows behind us looking embarrassed. Once we get back outside Adam runs back to his girlfriend, and by her facial expressions, she looks pretty mad that he was gone and left her that long. While Nikki and I walk to the stops of stairs. Some guests are sitting down in the multiple chairs and tables while others are standing with glasses of champagne enjoying each other company. I go ahead and grab two glasses and keep one for me and one to Nikki. " Hi everyone." Nikki Screams out, everyone stops what they are doing and look at the two of us. "Well I wanna thank everyone for coming to celebrate a huge milestone in Roman and my relationship. It was a day I never thought would come and I am so happy to share it with you." She then turns to me. " But most of all I am so happy to be marrying you. We may not always get along but I love you more then words can describe. I can't wait to take your last name. " She says, I give her a quick kiss to make the crowd react. She then turns back to the crowd " And with mines and Roman undying love for each other we decided to have the wedding on August 21st In Napa, and the venue and time will be all in the invite that will be sent later this month. But let's live in the future and celebrate us. Cheers!" Everyone hold up their wine glass and drink after.
3 hours later

I come downstairs with my small black suitcase in hand as I see Nikki saying goodbye to the last guest not counting Brie and Bryan as they watch tv. Nikki turns around and see me by the staircase, and comes towards me. " Hi Handsome." She says giving me a long kiss and then a hug. At this point I don't know if the alcohol wiped her mind from this morning or if she just doesn't care but I am going with the first one.

" Hey, can I talk to you?" I ask her.

" Yea, sure." She says. I pull her aside by more by the office downstairs so Brie and Bryan can't here.

" Nikki, I am not going to ask you tell me the truth about what happen with you Adam, because I don't want this to get any worse. But I am going to tell you the truth about Galina and the baby. A few months ago, I stopped by Galina's to pick the kids and when I pulled up I saw a car that I recognized so I just assumed it was one her friends. Anyway, I knocked on the doors and rang the doorbells multiple times, but no one answered. I was confused and getting worried so I went and grabbed the lockout key under the rock. After that, I was able to unlock the door so I ran upstairs and checked the master bedroom to make sure everything was okay. But when I went up there it was not just Galina in the bed sleep, it was also John."

" As in my ex?"

" Yeah, and at the looks of it, she was already pregnant. He must have slept with her because he was mad that I was able to trade brands with him. I was going to tell you but I didn't want to hurt you."

" Thanks for telling me, but Roman I would have only cared if it was your baby. Because that's all I care about. But thanks for trying to protect me." She says leaning in for a kiss, I give her a long passionate kiss before getting up and grabbing my suitcase. " Where are you going? You told me the truth, you can stay."

" I know. But after today I just need a little space." As those words leave my mouth she starts to cry uncontrollably as if she is begging me not to go. I grab her and giving her the tightest hug she wraps her legs around my waist almost exposing her ass. I carry her to the door then I put her down. " Nicole, I am doing this because I love you. I will back in the morning, you won't even notice I am gone."

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