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I sit in the hotel room office chair while trying to plan Nicole and my vacation. This is really important to me because I just want time to chill with her and be normal. Because our relationship has never been normal. I just can't wait to show her the list of all the things we can do in Paris. She is currently having drinks with the girls and should be back soon.

Nikki walks in our hotel, but she is struggling. " I got you." I say getting up to walk her to bed. I put her down on the bed with her feet hanging off.

" Thank you, baby." She says shaking her heels off to the carpet. " Can you unzip my dress?"

" Yea, roll over." Nikki rolls over and gives me access to her zipper to pull down.

" What have you been doing?" Nikki asks me as she leans on me pulling her dress sleeves off.

" Just planning our vacation. Which I wanna-"

" Roman, I can't go on vacation."

" What? why?"

" Because they wanna make me a champion. And when the company wanna make you champion you don't say no... I am going to Paris. "

" Yea, but I thought you wanted to go to Paris. Plus, I already booked the rooms and the plane... Which is nonrefundable."

" Look, baby, I am sorry but being a champion is important to me. You are talking to someone who thought they would never be able to wrestle again."

" Yea, I get it... I always come in second when it comes to your career."

" Oh my gosh... That's not even true. My neck was broken and I didn't wanna say anything because I wanted to be your partner so bad. I put you first."

" So what changed, Nicole?" I yell at her. She doesn't say anything but just looks at me. " Exactly. I wanna be your partner for life but obviously, that championship is more important to you. So maybe I will just go by myself." I say before leaving the hotel room slamming the wooden door behind me.

Out of the ring 3 {completed}Where stories live. Discover now