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I am backstage stretching before my match when I feel two cold hands touch both sides of my stomach, and I know exactly who it is. " What, Randy?" I ask with a major attitude.

He comes from behind in his gear and looks me in the eyes. " Hey, what's with the attitude?"

" I have nothing to say to you, Randy." I explain.

" Well, I do. I was extremely hurt when I didn't receive an invite to the engagement party, especially when I invited you to mines."

" Yeah, then your wife kicked me out. Plus you have done enough damage to Roman and my relationship, so why would we invite?"

" Well, I guess you do have a point. " He then whispers in my ear. "Tell me, Nicole, did you have fun?" The way he says it makes my skin crawl and my body goes tense.

" of course. I am marrying the man of my dreams." I say walking away.

" Well, at least tell me I am invited to the wedding." He screams behind me, but I just keep walking.

I don't know where I am walking, but I just wanted to get away from Randy. But as I back up more I bump into something. " I am so-" I stop talking when I see it's just a box, and start to laugh but I am not the only one laughing. I look up to see Adam standing in the dark corner with this huge smirk on his face. " They just let anyone in." I say as I start to walk closer.

" No, I was invited here that's part of being Champ." He says getting closer. " But it's a perk seeing you here." He says almost trapping with a kiss but I lean back.

" Adam, you gotta go." I say pointing near a red door with the neon sign ' exit' on top of it. But he rejects my request and only moves closer.

" Nikki, what has changed? Less than a week ago you sat at your engagement party and complained to me telling me how much you hate Roman, but now your back with him."

"  I never said I hated Roman, plus I was drunk and emotional."

" Cmon, you know they say your drunk feelings are your true feelings, and they seemed pretty true the other night."

" Whatever, just get out of here before Roman sees you."

" It's a little to late for that." Roman says, as he comes the down all the hallway with rage. He moves me out the way and approaches Adam immediately. " You heard her. Get out!" Roman says pointing at the same door I did earlier.

" Look man I don't know why you are mad at me or what she told you. But Nikki came on to me first."

" Yes, Adam. But she was drunk and you played with her emotions. Plus she isn't the one sending early morning and late-night text, you are. If you haven't recognized she doesn't want you." I look behind me to see that people were starting to notice what was going on, and the consequences could be awful if anyone is a high management position found out."

" Your just mad, because I fucked her better." Adam says laughing, until Roman comes and pins home against the wall. I quickly run and try to stop him but it doesn't work.

" Adam, I will knock you out cold. If you ever talk, touch, or even think about her everything." I see anger in Roman's eyes and fear in Adams. I then try again to get Roman to stop.

" Roman, people are watching us." I tell him. Roman looks behind to see many people looking at him and he put down Adam. " Good baby now let's go somewhere private so you can cool down." Roman lets me hold his hand and I lead him into a room that I saw empty earlier. Once we are both in I look the doors and walk up directly to Roman. " I need you to calm down. I know you are mad, but I need you to calm down. Please do it for your family."

" What does this have to do with my family?"

"  I could be wrong but I don't think your kids wanna find out that you were suspended or even worse fired because you couldn't control your temper. And think about your family dynasty in this business. Think about how hard they worked, and I know you would hate to ruin that. And do it for me, because you love me." He shakes his head to show he understands but doesn't say a word. " Good. Now I know this is going to be hard to do but once you cooled down I want you to apologize to Adam because it shows to everyone you are the bigger person. Now I have to go, my match is next." I say before giving him a sweet long kiss on the cheek.

Out of the ring 3 {completed}Where stories live. Discover now