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After getting off the with Roman, I hear a knock at the door. I wipe my tears before blurting out " Come in!"
I see the door knob attempt to open, but resist to move. " It's locked." By the voice I can tell it's Naomi. I get out the bed and unlock the door. As soon as she sees me she gives me a hug. " Hey, I heard what happened. And I wanted to check on you. Is everything okay?"
" Yea. I just felt betrayed because literally, everyone knew that Roman's party was in Vegas except me... And I wouldn't be so angry if he told me upfront. " I see a look of guilt express on her face as she looks down at her shoes. Ugh... I didn't mean to make her feel bad." But it's fine. We talked and he on his way back now, He just need to send me his flight information."
" Well, I am Glad you all have it all sorted out. Now let's go downstairs, and enjoy the rest of the night."
After four rounds of charades and too many glasses of wine, the night goes by in a blur and all my worries are gone. Nattie stands in front of the group trying to do her impressions of what I believe to be Elvis, but I am too drunk to even know.
" Somebody from Grease!" Brie yells out trying to guess.
" David Bowie!" Becky shouts out.
" Elvis!" I finally guess.
" That's correct." Nattie says smiling at me.
" You need to learn how to move your hips." Nia says. " That was nothing close to Elvis."
The whole group starts to laugh.
" Hey, let's take a break. I wanna see if Roman texted me his flight information."
" You don't feel bad for making, him come back?" Brie ask.
" No."
I get my phone from the table only to see a bunch of DM notifications for my accounts. " What the heck?" I whisper to myself. I click on the first one to see it captioned. ' We love you Nicole. Be strong.' Underneath is a video. I click on it to see a group of guys at a club, until I notice that the group of guys include my husband and brother-in-law.  It appears Roman is in the middle of talking already and maybe a drink away from blacking out. What is going on? I click play on the video.
" I don't need someone to weigh me down. I need someone to build my brand. You don't control me, I can do what I want. I can see who I want, be who I want, and can spend my time wherever I want. So before you walk down that aisle tomorrow you need to understand Ms. Bella. I am a grown man, and I can do whatever I want."
My face go blank because I have two many emotions going on right now, I can't even think. When I look up I see all the girls looking at me. I don't know what else to say other then. " I have to handle this. I am going to Vegas. Who's coming?"

Out of the ring 3 {completed}Where stories live. Discover now