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It's the Christmas Eve and it feels weird not spending it without Nikki or really any family, but it's fine I am going to celebrate with Paige, Seth, Dean, and Renne. We are meeting up at Iowa to spend it with Seth at his new home.

 We are meeting up at Iowa to spend it with Seth at his new home

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I pulled up a few hours ago while Renne and Dean just got here. Seth just cracked open a beer in the kitchen while Paige and Renne go upstairs to talk while Dean and I watch the game on the large flat screen tv in the living room. Seth then flops on the couch to join us.

" Damn." Seth says as he pulls out his phone from his jean jacket.

" What?" I ask as I take a sip from my room temperature water.

" Snowstorm. I hate snowstorms." Seth says as he rolls his eyes and put his phone back in his pocket.

" It's just snow, calm down buddy." I say laughing off till the room goes completely silent.

" Hey, Roman I am sorry about Nikki. When she came on to me, I was shocked."

" Don't be, she showed her true colors, and that's why she is spending Christmas alone."

When I said the word alone Dean then looks at me. " You Let Her Spend Christmas Alone!" He yells at me. " Who does that?"

" Well, Dean we are not together, so she is not my reasonable anymore." 

Dean then turns off the tv and looks at me and Seth as I. " Well maybe you are the one that is revealing your true color because I don't get if Renne cheated on me, I am still going to call her and wish her a merry Christmas or whatever damn holiday it and tell her I love her. So in my eyes, Nikki got away from a monster." Deans says. Tension starts to spread around the room like wildfire.

" Shut up Dean, you don't know what you are talking about. Your drunk." I tell him.

" And you're stupid. People make mistake all the time, I mean look at you. Who can forget that video with you and Sasha? And Nikki took you back."

He's right People do make mistakes but, Seth is like a brother to me and that crossed the line.

" Hey, I think Dinner is ready, how about one of you call the girls from upstairs." Seth says trying to ease the tension.

" Good Idea." I say.

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