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Brie and I sit under the Christmas tree the night before Christmas as we wrap up presents that we got for the family. While Daniel took Birdie to sleep about 30 minutes ago.

" What are you thinking about?" Brie asks me as she folds one of the corners of the wrapping paper.

" I think you already know." I say looking at her.

" Buts it been like 2 weeks since he broke up with you at the Q&A."

" Don't remind me. I just didn't think my year would go like this. I lost my baby and my fiancee in less than a month, and I am spending Christmas alone."

" Okay first all don't be so negative. You also had an amazing year, you returned at summer slam, which may I say is like the second biggest paper view of the year. And your not spending Christmas alone, I mean sure you don't have Roman, but you have family. Plus, after the very famous breakup with Roman, you have gotten so many DMs. You literally got a date tomorrow and you don't wanna ruin it with all these bad vibes.

" You got a point."

" Yeah I do." She says. " But I think another point I am making is let's gets up earlier and finish wrap these present I can't look at another star wars theme holiday wrapping paper for another second."

" Deal." I say getting up off the floor, but as I do I feel my phone start to vibrate. I look down to see that Roman is calling me. " Brie?" she looks up to see that he was calling. " Should I answer?"

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