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I wait in the hotel lobby waiting for Roman. We are heading to the morning show to show off new titles. But by the looks of it, we will probably be late, because it's taking him forever.
As I wait in the hallway, I see Seth coming from the corner he must have been coming from the elevator. I try to hide my face with my champion belt but it's too late he see's me.
" Hey, Nicole. " He says pushing my title belt down towards my waist, to see my face.
" Hey, Seth what's up?"
" Nothing I just came to tell you that you had an amazing match yesterday. And sorry that Paige and I couldn't make it to the party."
" No your good." I respond back to him with a smile. It's not like you were invited anyway.
" Cool. Also I just wanna adresss the elephant in the room. I am really sorry about the whole sperm donor thing. I should have let you tell Roman instead, that was truly a private moment between you and him."
" Yea, I don't really want to talk about that Seth."
" I know." He says grabbing my arm getting closer to me. " I just-"
" Hey, you heard her she doesn't want to talk about it." Seth and I both turn to see Nia walking over to us. Seth let's go of my arm and runs off avoiding Nia. " Hey are you okay?" She ask. But instead of answering I jut start to cry. " Oh my gosh! Did he say something. Because Nicole I swear I will-"
" No it's fine. It wasn't Seth."
" Then what's the problem?"
" I think Roman is having an affair."
" Wait...What? With who?"
" Naomi." I say wiping my tears before people starts to notice.
" Why do you think that?"
" Well last night I was just thinking about it, because it I couldn't sleep. Roman forgave me pretty quickly for the whole sperm donor thing with Seth. And knowing Roman he can hold a grudge. So I was looking up a punch of articles on knowing if your partner is cheating. And him being super friendly and forgiving is one them."
" Okay, well I am not saying he is but let's say he is having an affair. Where would they hook up at, he's with you like 24/7?
" Exactly, last night when I was at the doctor. Carmella told me during my match with Alexa, they were hugging and it seemed pretty intense. So I think they hook up during my matches."
" Okay, but it's Carmella. "
" I know that's what I thought too. But why on earth would Roman sit by her at dinner yesterday? Plus he was giving her so much more attention than me."
" Well, there were only two seats left. So there were 50/50 chances he would sit next to her."
" I know I was trying to make that 100% me, but my leg couldn't move fast enough."
" Oh. About Your leg how is it?"
" It's a little sore. But after our interview today. I have an appointment."
" Well, it should be... Oh here's he come. Just go talk to him."
I turn around to see Roman coming from behind. " Good morning Nia. Are you ready Nicole?"
" Yea." I say walking ahead of him.

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