Chapter 1

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"Aw man!" I screamed into my abused switch as I aggressively looked at the Game Over screen. The fanciful, red letters showed themselves, obviously not changing its mind from the expression I gave it, "I died again!! Ugh!!!" I threw the switch on the bed and plopped my head down on the pillow, closing my eyes before looking to the empty ceiling. Less than a minute later, I sat back up and clicked the continue button. Link was at the respawn point in Divine Beast Vah Naboris, on his fifth attempt of defeating Thunderblight Ganon. I'm happy I saved Naboris for last, but I'm also not. This Divine Beast was SO hard!! I made Link go back up to the main room in another attempt to kill Thunderblight.

The clicking of all the buttons was all that could be heard in the room. I had just finished the first phase and was onto the metal rods. I hated the second phase! For Fireblight and Thunderblight, since those two have three phases of attacks patterns, styles, and differences. After a couple times, I put a metal rod under Thunderblight which made him fall to the ground. Instead of being fair and letting him get up, I jumped off the higher area and used Revali's Great Eagle Bow to shoot him dead. I praised myself as Thunderblight's fluids poured out of him like bloody waterfalls.

"Good job Link!" I cheered to the non-existent game character. I grabbed the new heart container before starting the Urbosa cutscene. As I watched Urbosa descend the stairs of Naboris, I wondered if I would ever be as beautiful as her. I was eighteen, so I knew I was done growing. Having watched Link get Urbosa's Fury, I turned to my phone to see no notifications, as usual. In that moment, I questioned myself. 'If I were to put down my gaming addiction, could I make a plentiful amount of friends? Could I really have a social life?' Link had returned to Gerudo Town as I continued to play the game.

Finishing the quest, I thought about going to bed so I could wake up early the next morning, but I just shrugged off the idea of being late and continued to tap the keys ever so lightly. Looking at the time, I noticed it was almost eight at night. Heaving a heavy sigh, I paused my game to make something to eat. I walked out the door of my room, leaving the switch on my bed. My apartment was cold and plain. Nothing was on the walls except the pictures that came with the place. It was nice for having an office job, but I wanted more than I was paid. Walking into the kitchen, I looked to the fridge for food. Yet there was nothing but a couple of sodas, a tomato, and some ice cream. Closing the fridge, I started to open the cupboards. Cupboard after cupboard of nothing. Having no other choice, I pulled out some microwave ramen and prepared some tomato to include with it.

Something about this felt so pathetic to me. I was a new woman, who should have plenty of friends and should be having all sorts of fun experiences, but instead I was cooking tomato ramen and playing a videogame. I balled my fists as I watched the water boil through the microwave's window. 'Maybe I should turn off that stupid game. It's not like it's doing me any favors...' I inwardly thought closing my eyes. When I opened my eyes again, an ever-so-faint light emitted from my dining room. Looking to see what the light was, I saw my switch. 'Wait... Didn't I leave it in the room?' I wondered, tapping my chin, 'Hm... Must have brought it out with me without realizing it.' My eyes widened in shock when I saw something at the corner of the screen. What sat on the edge of the screen was a long crack.

"No! Oh, come on!! I didn't even buy this thing a long time ago..." My panic hastily subsided into a soft mutter. The crack didn't look that bad. Maybe if I were to put some tape on it, then it would be fine? Maybe glue?? I wasn't sure. Then I remembered something, "Wait, how did it get the crack in the first place? I don't remember a single scratch on this when I was playing it in my room, and the switch is probably more durable than my phone. What is going on?" I mumbled; However, my pondering was interrupted when the microwave went off. I took out the excess water, put in the broth and the tomatoes, grabbed a fork, then went back to my room with the switch in my other hand. Once I sat on my bed, I pulled out my phone and looked through my Instagram feed. Nothing. A couple of my friends posted more than a couple obnoxious pictures of them on the beach. I rolled my eyes, but I felt kind of hurt. I was on good terms with every one of those girls, so why didn't they invite me? Was I too boring for them? Too awkward? I tried my best making friends, so why didn't it come naturally to me? If it came naturally then why are they somewhere warm while I am still working at Jorgenson Corporation? Looking back at the switch, I decided that playing a little longer wouldn't hurt.

The hours had seemed to pass by in very little time. 9:00 PM quickly turned to 11:55 PM, yet I still continued to play even though I could barely keep my eyes open. I opened the map wondering where I should venture next. Before I knew it, I fell asleep with the switch in my arms.

As I slept, the switch started to feel strangely warm, as if a loving mother cradled me. A bright glow of electricity shown through my closed eyes as energy ran through my very being. It hurt. It felt like my body was slowly being torn apart my ravenous wolves. Large beads of sweat ran down my forehead and neck, until the feeling abruptly stopped. A strange cold chill brushed against my neck, but I remained asleep.

If only I knew, I wasn't in my world anymore...

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