Chapter 8

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Out of all the regions in Breath of the Wild, Akkala was always one of the prettiest. The leaves on the trees were all sorts of fall colors, while the grass was as green as emerald. More wildlife was running about, living their daily lives, while the people did the same; However, none of the wildlife put me in danger. I had slept under a large, twisting tree and I woke up without a single bug bite. Generally, Akkala was a very undeveloped area of Hyrule. Some houses were strewn about, but nothing was really there, apart from the enormous citadel.

The Akkala Citadel reminded me of other citadels back in my world, but none could compare to the sight before me. In any place of Akkala, one could see the tall fortress. It wasn't destroyed by Guardians, so it looked brand new in a strange way. While riding next to the parade grounds, I saw extensive movement from above. Those knights were working so hard to protect everyone's livelihood. It was a shame that the peace would come to an end a year or so from that moment.

As I made my way to the lighthouse, I started to grow nervous. 'What if Robbie and Purah aren't here yet, then what do I do? Relax, (Y/N), just head to the lighthouse and if they're not there then head to Hateno Village. It's not difficult.' (H/N) was walking slowly to our destination, after all I made (him/her) sprint all the way from Castle Town, so the least I could do was take in the scenery, and boy was it charming. Once at East Akkala Stable, I rode my horse towards a tree and left to find details about Akkala Ancient Tech Lab; However, no one really understood what I meant. Luckily, a certain woman did.

"Oh! You're looking for those mad scientists at the lighthouse? Yeah, they're up there, just make sure to knock. They hate being interrupted." Then she walked off towards her own horse. The once bright blue sky was covered by dismal grey clouds. Thunder could be heard. It was about to rain. Walking toward the stable man, I put my horse into their care until I returned. Walking up the path, I noticed it was fairly empty. If anything, the passersby were leaving from the lighthouse. The lighthouse was less disfigured than in the game, but it still looked like a large mess. Heading to the door, I knocked quietly. There was no response. The second time, I knocked a little harder. Still no response. Without thinking a third time, I gently opened the thick wooden door and almost immediately something came flying past me and out the doorway. It was a rocket of some sort that was hastily making its way toward a large rock. After that, it exploded into the rock and scattered the pieces everywhere. Sweat started to run down my forehead as I imagined what would have happened if I were the thing that detonated it.

"Sorry about that! Something must have went wrong the external thrusters, which made the device go off course and, well... towards your face!" It was a young woman and something about her reminded me of somebody else. She was obviously part of the Sheikah Tribe due to her spiraled, white hair that had a red streak in the front. Two chop sticks and a set of glasses were placed idly into her hair. As for her clothes, she wore a beige, tight-fitting overcoat with red ribbons and a navy-blue pencil skirt underneath. The woman also fashioned navy bracelets and knee-high boots. I didn't realize who she was at first, until I looked at her glasses again. They were the same as little Purah's, which could only have meant one thing, it was her!

"I-It's okay... I'm just glad it didn't hit me. If it did, I think I would have died! E-Excuse my questioning, but are you Lady Purah, by any chance? I need-" I was interrupted abruptly by the very person I was talking to.

"Well~" She cooed bashfully, looking to her feet, "I wouldn't say I am any sort of lady, but yes I am Dr. Purah. Now! Why are you here? Need something technological fixed, because if so, me and my colleagues are very busy advancing the Guardians so... I can't help you with that. If you came for a chat, I hope you would understand how busy we are here. If that is all then-" Purah stopped talking when the wooden door opened abruptly. The rain had started to pour, and a wet figure stood in the doorway for a second or two, before stepping in and angerly stomping toward Purah. Not wanting to become part of the incoming fight, I stepped away. The one who walked in was a man, with a strange hair style. It looked like an exaggerated perm and pompadour together. From what I could tell, he was from the Sheikah Tribe as well. The man wore clothes very similar to Purah, except that his clothes were baggier then Purah's tight fitting ones. He certainly looked comfortable! The man had strange goggles that were connected to an ancient looking bag. Like Purah, he seemed very familiar to me.

"Purah! What happened out there?! There is exploded boulder absolutely everywhere!! And where is that other thruster?!!" His voice was deep and masculine. Without knowing it, all my attention was on him. Purah's expression turned into a distasteful frown before she went ballistic.

"Look, I was just testing the thruster than it flew out the door! That wasn't my mistake!! It was near the 'ready to be tested' pile!!! How was I supposed to know it would fly around the lab then blow up your favorite boulder?!" She countered, before crossing her arms cutely with a small pout. The man wasn't having it.

"You're always doing this! Destroying everybody's work because you think it is ready for testing!! You know perfectly well that I worked on that thruster for two months!!! One of these days, you are going to kill yourself from making a mistake in the lab and your last words will be, 'Robbie was totally right, and I should have listened to him, but I didn't. I am an idiot!'" My jaw dropped for a brief moment. The handsome man before me was the old guy from Akkala. He looked so different from in the game. A red, burning blush was birthed on my cheeks before it started to spread all over my face and down my neck. The room felt so hot.

"Stop your bickering right now, or so help me I'll... I'll... I will never forgive the both of you! Please listen to me!!" At this point, I was a talking tomato, but I didn't really care about that in the moment. Both Purah and Robbie looked in my direction. Robbie walked over to me and bent down to my level to inspect something on my face.

"Look at her face, Purah!" He stated happily, "She is just as red a ripe cherry! Isn't she cute?!" Robbie's smile both brought me comfort and embarrassment. It was an uncomfortable mixture of both. As he was about to grab my cheeks, Purah slapped his hand away before looking at me again. She was listening to what I had to say. Taking a deep breath, I pushed my hand into my pocket and pulled out the Breath of the Wild gamecard I found with me in the Shrine of Resurrection. I gave it to Purah's outstretched hand. She looked at it and then gave it to Robbie, "What is it?" He asked.

"It's a gamecard. A whole world... your world, is on that little chip. I believe it is what brought me to your world. To the land of Hyrule..." I quietly told. Purah and Robbie looked at me like I was absolutely insane, and I couldn't blame them. This was the craziest truth I ever told, "Look, I know it is hard to believe, but I am not from Hyrule, or this world! I want to say that I came from another universe, but even that doesn't seem right. All I want to do is go home... that is all I want!" Tears started to run down my cheeks again. This world was giving me so much stress. In my universe, I never cried, but it felt like I was doing this every day now, "I know what you are thinking and... I don't really have proof of being from another world, but there is the gamecard! And my ears are rounded unlike you Hylians!"

"So, you jumped into our world, and you want to get back home? Do you have any more proof about this other world business?" Purah asked, walking around the main worktable, and looking idly at the chip. I thought for a moment before I something popped into my brain.

"Because of that gamecard, I know the exact date when Calamity Ganon appears. I also know who all the Champions and the Hero Wielding the Sword that Seals the Darkness are going to be!" Receiving a nod from Purah and Robbie, I continued, "The King wouldn't listen, but I hope you two will. Calamity Ganon will return on Princess Zelda's seventeenth birthday, before she can learn how to use her Sealing Power. Calamity Ganon is a complete entity of evil and spite. He will take over everything that the kingdom has worked for, especially the Guardians, the Divine Beasts, and the castle. While the Champions are going to be Princess Mipha, from the Zora, Revali, from the Rito, Chief Urbosa, from the Gerudo, and Daruk, from the Goron. The Hero Wielding the Sword that Seals the Darkness and Princess Zelda's knight is going to be Link. Did I help my case?" Purah and Robbie looked at each other mortified. I looked from one to the other for a moment. Robbie scratches the back of his neck.

"I think so. You're far from home, aren't you? Don't worry Cherry! Purah and I will get you back to your world, so just don't worry about it!" Robbie smiled, which turned my face red. He laughed at this, while Purah thought for a moment.

"Your story checks out with me. His Majesty sent out a notice to some of his subordinances about you and your delusions; However, your story is pretty straight with the King's, so... I'll believe you! Just don't tattle on us, okay?" I was so happy that someone believed me, that I started to cry again. Robbie started to panic as he ran up the stairs in a hurry to get a handkerchief. They were not tears of sadness or self-pity. They were the happiest tears I ever cried.

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