Chapter 77

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"I didn't know you had days-off. I thought you were the Princess's knight. A bodyguard if you prefer. Besides, I imagine that King Rhoam wouldn't allow you to be away all the time. Didn't you have a day-off not too long ago?" I queried, as we walked to streets of Mabe Village. I had gotten bored walking around the horse tracks, so Link and I agreed to go to town for a while to talk. Mabe Village was quiet yet bustling at the same time. Many people and carriages were passing through, but I could hear Link's quieter voice just fine.

"The Princess has made it clear that she doesn't want me around, so she has gifted me frequent holidays; However, there is nothing to fear. She is not allowed outside the castle without me by her side. Either that, or she could have around thirty escorts." Link explained briefly, as I breathed out an 'oh.' This was nice. I knew that this wasn't the first time I had a conversation with Link, but this was definitely the most pleasant.

"Well... I don't know a lot about the Princess, but all I can tell you is that she'll eventually warm up to you. Right now, everyone's actions are fueled from fear and frustration alone. Zelda is no exception. Trust is slowly built up over time. I know that better than anyone! When I first came to this-" I paused for a moment, scolding myself for almost slipping up, "Sorry. When I first came to Hyrule, I didn't know anyone. I was all alone, in a land that was foreign to me. But the more I adjusted, the more friends I found. I mean, look at us. You verbally told me that you hated me." A small 'sorry' left Link's lips as he lowered his gaze to the road, "It's okay. I get it. You were probably told about... you know... the audience." My whisper was hushed since I didn't want anyone to hear. Link didn't respond. Not a nod. No verbal cues. He remained silent, as if he was contemplating something. "Anyway, look how far we have come! Now, we are very good acquaintances." Link silently glared at me for calling him something so 'insulting.' I mean, no one wants to be called an acquaintance. "Well, would you describe us as friends?" I asked. Link looked to the sky to think about his answer before he just shook his head in disagreement. "That's what I thought, but that doesn't mean it's impossible."

A small, invisible smile graced his expression, as a faint blush dusted over my cheeks. "Yeah, I guess so." A large grin appeared on my face as we continued to walk without any exact destination.

"Hey Link? Can I ask you something? It's something related to this topic, I swear." The young man nodded his head in affirmation, as I gathered the courage to speak, "When... did you start to trust me? I mean, what changed your mind? You're the type of guy who usually accesses the situation before gaining an opinion. When we first met, we weren't really on good terms. Much less great. So, what happened?"

"A couple things. First, the fact that the Koroks revealed themselves to you. They only do that when you obtain their complete trust. The average Hylian does not have that luxury. The second and final nail was during the Yiga Attack. You brought Princess Zelda back to safety. If you truly were who I thought you were, you would have had the same goal as the Yiga Clan." He answered, as he lead me on a small trail a little ways away from Mabe Village.

"You thought I was a follower of Ganon?" Link shook his head.

"I just thought you wanted to hurt the Princess for a more... personal reason." The blond knight rephrased, as I tuck my hands behind my sore back. I was offended that Link didn't trust me for such an odd reason, but I then remembered my mistake. The moment I regret the most is that audience. I was foolish and should have known better; However, like a scared mouse, my instinct took control of my better judgement. And I was left with the consequences.

"It's okay. If our roles were reversed, I would think the same thing." Concluding the subject, we continued to walk in silence; However, it strangely wasn't as awkward as before. The breeze was blowing softly as it played with my hair. "Anyway, do you want to get something to eat? It would be my treat, of course!" Link hesitantly nodded, before I took his hand and led him back toward town. There were plenty of restaurants and pubs to choose from, which overwhelmed me a little. I didn't think one village would have more than two. "Link, where do you want to eat?" As he glanced at his choices, I started to lead me to a pub, with my hand still in his. He stopped in front of the entrance, before awkwardly letting go of my hand. The sigh read, 'The Hardened Apple,' which sounded absolutely bizarre to me; Nevertheless, I knew that Link probably ate at every eatery ever. So, I trusted his judgement before walking in.

The place was empty. Only a couple of customers sat at the bar. Most of the time, this would be a bad sign; However, it was the middle of the day, so I didn't expect there to be a lot of people. "Ah, Link, my boy! How has my best customer been, huh?! I haven't seen you for a while!!" The older man continued to talk to Link as I stood behind the blond knight. The man had greying hair and tired green eyes, but his expression held a certain youth to it. It was apparent that this man was chipper and high spirited, "Link, my boy, who is the lass behind you?"

"I'm (Y/N), sir. It is very nice to meet you." I greeted, feeling my stomach start to agitate in hunger. The man looked over me before placing a small smile on his face.

"What a peculiar name you have... Nevertheless, it is a pleasure to meet you (Y/N)." Leaning over to Link's ear, the older man loudly whispered, "I may not know much, but you two would make a handsome couple, Link." Needless to say, I heard what he said loud and clear. Before Link and I could protest the man's words, he walked into the kitchen, leaving us both blushing messes. We uncomfortably choose a table to sit at before the silence returned.

"So, what are you going to get?"


A creamy heart soup, two fish pies, three salmon meunière, meat curry, meat pie, salt-grilled meat of all kinds, and some pumpkin cake for dessert. And that was just Link's order. As if it were magic, my hard-earned money disappeared. I did say I would treat him, but I didn't think he would order the entire menu! I wanted to revoke my words, but it would have been rude to do such a thing. It did bring a smile upon my face to know that Link had a good time. The whole duration of our meal, Link started to talk about random topics. I was happy knowing that he was engaging in conversation with me and not the other way around. As I pulled out my wallet to pay, I poured the contents out and put back what was necessary. Link gazed at the pile of rupees, before reaching into his poach. Putting down a couple of golden rupees, he urged me to put the money back in my wallet.

"Link, I have to pay you back for past behavior somehow." I insisted, 'And I promised myself that if there was any way to make up, then I would do it.' Link grabbed my wallet before putting all my money back into it.

"There is no need to do that. And even if you did have to repay a debt, this isn't the way to do it." A pout crossed over my features as I processed Link's words thoughtfully. 'Maybe he is right,' I thought, knowing that he was right; However, I just couldn't accept it, "Do you want to split the check?" I nodded anxiously, before working out what I owe. It was then I realized that I really had to get back to work, mining wise. Money was getting tighter by the day. Link and I left the restaurant and meandered back to Lon Lon Ranch. The sun was setting, and the weather grew slightly colder. As we approached the fence, I gasped at the sight before me. (H/N) was prancing about happily with the other horses.

"(H/N)! You're alright!!" When I ran over to the fence, (H/N) nuzzled into me as I felt bliss fuel my senses. Link was still by my side, observing my horse. Of course, I didn't really care that he was there. I was happy knowing that my horse was alright. (He/She) was bandaged up and still in pain, but (he/she) was doing better.

"So, you call them (H/N), (Y/N)?" Link inquired softly, running his hand through my horse's mane. I nodded in affirmation. Link stared into (H/N)'s eyes as if he was searching for something, "I have never seen such compassion in a horse's eyes. You must spoil (him/her) to pieces." Sticking my tongue out at him playfully, I looked back at my horse feeling a lot better. "(Y/N)?" I glanced at Link, "I have to get back to the castle. I... Thank you for the meal." Before I could say anything, Link left with his horse. I was once again left alone; Nevertheless, the memories of the day kept me warm, even though the sun had already set. I decided to sleep by the fireside, since I wanted to preserve as much money as possible. 'I'm glad Link and I finally reconciled...' I thought, before falling asleep. The wind played with my hair once more, as I truly felt at peace. 

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